Soo.. What movie are we going to?

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Ivystar: So, guys. What movie do you want to go see?

Mapleshade: Ooh! Ooh! Let's go see the new version of Hammer! I love horror movies!

Ivystar: ... No. (Maple: :{) Raven, your suggestion?

Raven: Um.. that new Furry Catter movie...? What was it? Oh! Furry Catter and the Litterbox of Shame! 

Ivystar: I had plans to see that one next week. Maybe we can go see HoneyBee, I've heard that one has good reviews.

Maple: Nah, the lore is too complicated.

Raven: Maybe.. How to Train Your Dog: The Buried World?

Maple: Hasn't come out yet.

Ivystar: What about Fur Wars: The Fur Awakens?


Raven: *Laughing* We've already seen it!

Maple: We could go see Detective Google?

Ivystar: Lame. 

Raven: The new version of "Them?"

Maple: Too scary.

Ivystar: Duplo Movie: 2?

Raven and Maple: Seen it.

Maple: 36 1/2 Feet Apart?

Raven: The trailer made me so sad/happy for the two characters, I barfed rainbows and rode a roller-coaster of emotions.

Ivystar: Born In New York?

Raven: That's a documentary.

Raveclaw: Go watch the new version of: How the Scrooge Stole Thanksgiving!

Everyone: Oh.

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