Seeing him

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"Beep Beep Be-"
Waking up from the alarm i went into the bathroom to do my hygiene. Getting out of the shower i went and put on my ripped jeans with a gray long sleeve crop top and black Levi shoes.
[outfit at the top]

Calling Eve to see if she's ready knowing nine times out of ten she's not even up. Calling her she answered on the third ring "mhmmm" she said groaning. "Get up shawty I'm about done. So be ready when i get there.....Ight?"
"Yes mom I'll be ready."she said laughing and we hung up. Grabbing my purse and phone i grabbed my keys and left.

Pulling up to her house she hop in and we went to McDonald's for breakfast before school starts. Walking in i check the time we good but don't have all day "yo go ahead and order its on me today bestie" i said still looking in my phone i hear her say thank you but it soon dies out when i look up and see this fine boy walking in talking on his phone. He's about 6 feet tall have a Carmel skin tone, pink juicy lips, brown eyes, black hair with his tips dyed. Ugh and let's not forget that them tattoos got me going crazy- " NAILA stop staring at the man and answer my question! What do you want to eat?" Eve said. "Oo im sorry I'll get what I'll normally get thanks...." i said laughing turning around to see if he was still there but ended up bumping into a brick wall or should i say him. "Looking for me?" He say in a deep voice that was sooo sexy "nahh i was trying to go to the bathroom but obviously this happened" i said still looking down mumbling that last part. He lifted up my head with one finger "ma what's your name?" He said licking his lips. Shyly i respond "Naila and yours...?"
"Jacob but why haven't i seen you around here Naila?" He said my name so perfect mhm he just don't know. "Well i just recently transferred two months ago over here." I turned around to see if Evelyn had our food but i seen her walking out the door to the car "well i guess I'll see you around ma."
"Hopefully" i said walking out getting into my car, driving off. "So who was that stealing all of your attention from me" Eve said pouting. I busted out laughing "awww are you jealous?" She stayed the way she was "ugh gurl you know ain't nobody gone take yo place but idk who that was i just know he was sexy." I fanned myself as she laughed "calm your horses and make it through school first before you pop out lil Naila's around here."
"Never .. i don't even know the guy and i know i might never see him again so there's nothing to worry about Eve." I said seriously. "Never say never short stuff" she winked and got out of the car. We made it into the school and went our separate ways.

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