The Assistant

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Pulling up to the trap grabbing Diamond out of the glove department i make my way inside. "Wassup boss" said the guards "Nun much make sure nobody and i mean NOBODY comes in." I said in a stern voice. "We gotcha" they said nodding their heads. Walking in i see they want to have a field day in here like they ain't got no work to do. Seeing these nigga's up in here getting head, what the hell they thought this was a strip club.
*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*
Shooting in the air to get their attention "GET TO WORK!" I yelled beyond pissed. These hoes running around with titties and booty everywhere got it smelling like weed and fish in here. "Darell and Dre in my office." I said. Sitting down in my chair laying diamond in my lap, i looked up to see them closing the door and remained standing. Waving my hand they sit down and we get straight to business "wassup D" i said to my brother. "Nun just trying to see what's going on."He said shrugging his shoulders. "Dre care to tell share with me what happened today?" I said leaning back. "We pull up to the spot like any other day for a drug trade and we get out and meet. We show each other we have our end of the deal and time the case landed in their hands gunshots went off. We fought back but there was nothing we could do when they drove off leaving us behind." He said ending his statement with a sigh. This nigga really thinks he can get away with my drugs and not give me my money, mhmm thought wrong. "What do you think we should to do D" He started to smirk " I think we need to kill this Tyga nigga off and take over his territory. More drugs More money." I started to think and it was a good idea we just have to come up with a plan "Alright, D that sounds good make up a plan and hit me up with it later." I said dismissing them but D stayed. When Dre closed the door i lit up a blunt. "You know daddy haven't seen you in a minute. Wassup with y'all?" He asked hitting the blunt. "Nun man you know i be busy with this" i said waving my hands around to the place "with being on the top you have to stay on top of your game." I said snatching my blunt back.
"Dang you ain't have to snatch nigga. I'm still older than you, ain't no point of being rude." He said. I started to laugh and he joined in "any special girl or you still hoeing around? He said raising one of his eyebrows. "You know me" i shrugged "but i do have an eye on this girl Naila. She do something to me but i can't settle down. I want to, i just don't know." "Mhm okay Baby J" He said laughing "Nigga don't call me that here. Matter of fact get the hell out" i said laughing kicking him out. We do our hand shake and he leave. I guess I'll finish this blunt an- my thoughts got cut off by my assistant Alaina walking in getting on her knees in front of me unzipping my pants. I leaned back in my chair closing my eyes when she took me into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. Fisting my hand in her hair i take control speeding up in a fast pace. Looking down at her, tears started to run down her face and i just laughed but that got cut off quickly when i groaned shooting my kids in the back of her throat. Shes always been on the pill but I'm not taking that chance. I grab a condom out of my draw and slid it down on me. She got up taking her panties off and started riding me like it's her last day on earth. Slamming her down on me she start to scream "Daddy ughh i..." speeding up she lay her head into my neck along with her arms around my neck pulling me closer. Scratching my back "baby this feels so good" she said when she started to meet my trust "i know baby" i said chasing my release. It hit both of us but when she screamed she said the wrong thing "BABY I LOVE YOU." Looking at her like she was crazy i didn't know how to feel. I lifted her up to make her stand and disposed the condom. Pulling my pants up while she put on her clothes i can feel her staring at me. "Your not going to say anything?" She waited for a minute before she said something else "Wow... we been messing with each other for the longest and you still don't love me? You can't even look at me right now. U just wanted the sex huh?" She said now standing in front of me. "Man can't just say them three words and think imma just say it back like that." I say pushing her a little to move her. Sitting back down in my chair i lit another blunt to smoke and think. She just stood there i guess waiting for me to say something. She stomped out and slammed the door. Ugh what am i going to do. I started to get some work done to take my mind off of this mess.

Alaina POV

Stomping my feet to leave his office. I slammed the door and went into my office. He was suppose to love me but now, I'll have something he want but that takes time. So for now i grabbed my cell phone and i called him. Hearing him answer

It's Done...

Naila POV

When my baby jay left i called Eve over to have a sleep over. She showed up ten minutes later Banging on my door like she was the Police. When i let her in she jumped on me saying how i abandoned her. I just laughed at her and took her things to my room. Walking back into the living room she looked at me "who was here because this cover smell like Gucci cologne." "Well you remember the guy we bumped into at McDonald's?"
"You mean who you bumped into.. but yeah what about him?" She said. I just sat there looking at her to get what i just said. "OMG HE WAS HERE!" She said jumping up from the couch. I just laughed at her "What was he doing here...mhm?" She said in a teasing voice. "If you should know that's all me now." I said shrugging my shoulders as if it was nothing but inside i was screaming right along with her. "Before you say anything else we didn't do anything we just watched a movie but i fell asleep while we cuddled with him rubbing my stomach." I said shyly.
"Awwwwwww my girl just growing up leaving me behind" she said hugging me. "Girl get off me. You will find yours soon don't rush it." I said playful but serious at the same time.
We watched movies for the rest of the night and talked about jay and what he do. "I'm glad he's not into the drug business because you don't need that in your life at all."
"I know right. I'm glad he owns a legal business because going through that again would be so hurtful. I wouldn't want to lose someone else i love, you know?" I said sadly shedding a tear.
"Yeah i know Nai and before that can even happen you know your dad will protect you with everything in his heart." She said hugging me "Now stop thinking about the past and have some fun. I didn't come over here to watch you be sad and cry. I miss my bestfriend." She said throwing a pillow at my head, laughing. "I miss you too slut" i said hitting her back. We had fun for the rest of the night but it ended very well
when he texted me
❤️🤤 Good night Baby ❤️🤤

He cheating already🤦🏾‍♀️

Who did Alaina call?
Will he tell her the truth?
Will he tell her about Alaina?

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