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Naila POV
It's been a month now since me and jay have been dating and we are doing very good. I graduate tomorrow so jay wanted me and Eve to meet his brother Darrell today.
"MAN IM COMING!" I yelled waking up out of my sleep from the banging. "Baby come on open the door" said jay. I opened the door with a thigh high t-shirt with my fuzzy socks on. "Why are you-" he snatched me up to cover me up in front of this boy that's was behind him. "Boy let me go!" I yelled slapping his head. He pinned my arms above my head on the wall "girl stop hitting me, the hell is wrong with you? And go change, my brother here and he don't need to see what's mine" he said so possessive and demanding. I looked over his shoulder to see his brother standing there looking around "Okay i guess I'll change." I said adding a lil twist to my hips as i walk away. Walking into my room i slap eve booty "get up girl and put on some clothes. My man and his brother here." I said changing my clothes.
"Ughhh whyyy you know i don't get up this early."She whined.
"The brother is cute." I said trying to convince her while i brushed my teeth. She looked up real fast and hopped out of the bed to put on some clothes. I laughed at her walking out of the bathroom, putting my hair in a messy bun. I walked into the living room to see jay playing a basketball game. I think it's call 2k16 "Heyy jay." I said sitting on his lap. "Wassup baby." He said as he paused the game for a minute to kiss me. "Awwwww bestie.....get a room." She said getting serious at the end. Everybody bust out laughing and stopped when jay spoke "Darrell this is my gurl Naila i told you about and i think this is her bestfriend....? He said lingering on the last part of friend so she can say her name. "It's Evelyn but Eve for short." "Yeah Evelyn and Y'all this is my brother Darrell." He said putting the remote down. Darrell got up and hugged me and went to Eve "'Nice to meet you ma." Taking her hand to kiss it. She couldn't even stop smiling "Nice to meet you to Rell- I'm mean Darrell." She said. Me and jay looked at each other and coughed to get their attention. They looked at us and sat down by each other closely. "What are y'all doing today?" Darrell asked. "Well to be honest nothing really." I said shrugging. "Y'all wanna go out to the mall?" Jay said as he caressed my sides. "That would be great! Come on Nai let's go change.....AGAIN." Laughing at her comment we went to go get ready.

Darrell POV
(At the top)
She mad pretty i couldn't even keep my eyes off of her when she walked away. "Boy get your head out of the gutter." My lil brother said laughing. "Nigga shut up i seen how you was looking at Naila or should i say sis in law." I said smirking. "I mean what can i say she already got me trapped." He said shaking his head like he couldn't believe it. "Anyways, it's been a month since we came up with the plan we hitting them tomorrow. So be ready." I said standing up as the girls came from out of the room. "I'm always ready" He said as we walked out to get into the car.

At the club

We decided to hit up the club to celebrate her graduating tomorrow. Just to have a lil fun with Darrell and Eve. "Baby did i tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" I said bringing her closer to me by her waist. "Yesss Baby you have."she said smiling soo hard. "Well let me tell you some more.." whispering in her ear speaking nothing but dirty things. Being tapped on my shoulder i turn around to see the one and only Alaina. Naila doesn't know about what happened between us and I'm not planning on telling her. At least not right now. "Hey Jay" Alaina said with a dirty smirk on her face. I looked at naila from the corner of my eye to see her confused but nothing was said. "Wassup?"
"Oh nothing really....who's she?"
"She's nun of your business but if you must know this is my girl naila. Naila this is Alaina." Alaina put her hand out for a hand shake but naila held onto me and said "hello." "Well enough short talk what do you want Alaina?" I said getting aggravated with her presence. She smirked and said "i just wanted to let you know that I'm a month pregnant with your baby." Naila snatched away from me when Alaina dropped the pregnancy test at my feet. Alaina looked at Naila to say "Congratulations."

Naila POV

"Congratulations" she said walking away. I wasn't able to move,breath, and most of all look at him. I heard someone screaming my name "NAI!" My bestfriend grabbed my hand to pull me i guess to the dance floor but stopped when i wouldn't move. "Babygirl What's wrong?" She said concerned. Lifting up my head she seen the tears in my eyes that were threatening to spill out. "What the f*** did your brother do to her" she screamed at Darrell. I couldn't take it anymore i ran towards the stairs to leave. Almost out of the door jay yelled for me to stop but i kept going. I didn't want to see his face at all. He got this girl pregnant while we were dating, i cant believe him. He was too good to be true. He pulled my arm to stop me "LET GO OF ME" i yelled. "STOP let me explain" he said begging. I turned around to see Darrell and Eve standing behind him and i slapped him "no No NO YOU DON'T HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO ME." I said crying backing up. "S-Stay away from me." I ran and never looked back not knowing my feet will only lead me to the enemy.

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