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Jacobs Pov

"What is that? That sounds like a disease." I said getting worried.

"Oh no Mr. Mitchell it's not a disease, technically it's a mental illness called Postpartum Depression. It's common for women to get that after they have a baby."

"Okay, does that have to deal with her not having an appetite, mood swings, and her not wanting to hold our child?"

"Yes. Naila is going to have a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes."

"Is there anyway y'all can help her through this mental illness."

"Well, it depends on her. The only thing we can do is give her medication and she goes to counseling. I can give her the medication but like i said it's up to her and how fast she comes out of it."

"Okay, ill talk to her and let you know." I said.

I walk into her room to see Jace sleeping peacefully. But Naila on the other hand is a whole different story. She won't even play nor hold the baby. I stand by her bed looking at her mean mug for no reason.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask her rubbing her legs. She jumps when i touch her.

"Nothing. Stop touching me." She rolled her eyes.

"Baby i just want to know what's wrong-

"You don't have to know SHXT just leave me alone." She said sitting up, looking at me like she's mad.

"What the hell did i do to you, huh? I've done nothing but be here for you, through this whole thing and all you do is be mean to everybody in this b*tch that comes in here, like you run some shxt. I understand you have Postpartum Depression but some of this is just you acting like you done lost your god d*mn mind. I'm telling you now naila you need to fix it now and when i say now i mean right now. Stop being mad at the world when everybody around you does nothing but try to make your stubborn a*s happy. You got your bestfriend around here crying because she thinks you hate her and like i said i know some of this is not you but some of it is, so if you don't fix it now, I'm leaving you, taking our child and imma let yo little a*s figure this shxt out on your own." I was all the way pissed off, and now i was face to face to her.

They need to give her this medicine ASAP because i can't deal with this attitude. We were having a staring contest and next thing i know she just bust out crying uncontrollably. Ugh I'll be d*mned, i guess i went to hard on her. I took her in my arms and just let her cry her heart out.

"Baby what's wrong? Just tell me and I'll try to make it right." I said trying to look at her in the face but she tightened her hold on me.

"I'm not enough for you. I won't be a good mom to Jace. I've already made his life a living hell, he shouldn't be paralyzed he's just a baby that's innocent." She shook her head from side to side "If i would've just stayed with you then non of this would've happened. Right? Right?" She said hyperventilating.

"Baby Listen to me just calm down non of this is your fault. If it's anybody's fault it's mine. But that is the past and it needs to stay that way, for us to move on. You would be a great mom to Jace and also to the rest of our kids down the line. But you need to believe this yourself....and with this Postpartum stuff you need to take this medicine and go to counseling, so you can get better." i said kissing her head.

"Okay. I'll do anything to make this right-

"Baby all you have to do is be by my side. I'm trying to make this right because it's my fault. But i need you, you've made these past months horrible for me. Not being able to see your eyes and hear your voice drove me crazy had a nigga in here crying." I started laughing. "But all I'm asking you to be is my ride or die chick. Will you be that for me?" I said lifting up her head.

"Mhmm i don't think..." she said. I look down.

"I don't think I'll ever do this for these other Niggas but I'll do anything for you. And that's a promise that I'll be your ride or die chick." She said pecking my lips

I got tired of her teasing me so i caught her bottom lip and kissed her passionately. She moaned and that made a smirk spread across my face.

"Thank you baby for being my ride or die chick."

"Your welcome baby."

Your welcome


Lame chapter😞 but it has to settle down for the big things to happen but anyways
Short chapter i know 😢 I'm sorry but the book is about to end but the Mitchell's story is not done yet. Just stay tuned in and you will see 😉
See you guys soon
Smooches 😘

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