Other Side

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Naila Pov

I open my eyes and look around to see where i was. I get up to look around this unknown place to see if somebody's here. Walking around i came up to this familiar house and knocked on the door. Nobody answered so i tried to open the door and it opened. I walk in closing the door to slowly take in my surroundings and i was very surprised. It's like I'm remembering some of these things around this house. Walking in further i notice there's pictures of my family (me,mom,and dad) ,these two little girls and one of them looked like Jacob. I feel somebody touch my shoulder and i turn around.

"Hey baby." My Mom said. This was so confusing like how is she here?

"Mom?" I said breaking down crying.

"Aww honey it's okay, I'm here now." She said hugging me.

"M-mom you left me.!" I said crying some more.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm sorry. Just cry it out." She said rubbing my back comforting me.

It took me a hour to get myself together and when i did we sat down in the living room to talk.

"So hows life been treating you?" She ask rubbing my hand.

"Life's Great." I said lying.

"Girl don't lie to me. I've been watching over you since that night and i know for a fact things are not "GREAT". Now talk to me, what's going on?"

"Ma you already know what's going on so why i need to tell you?" I said laughing.

"Girl just talk." She said laughing, hitting my shoulder playfully.

"Okay. Well when you left everything started to get hard. I had to take care of dad through his depressing stage and when i tell you it wasn't easy, it wasn't easy. Then growing up without your help with boys, getting my period, and even graduation was hard. But you know I went to college and made something of myself. I'm talking about starting my own Medical Center for kids with special needs and even for kids that just need medical attention. But anyways dad finally let me move out of the house but threatened me that If something happens i have to move back. And surprisingly he didn't make me move back after Jacobs dad situation. So before that i met Jacob at McDonald's as you already know and he really caught my attention. The way he smiled, his eyes, the way he dressed, the way he talked, ma it was just a lot of things that caught my attention. After that i end up meeting him again and things kind of got serious, until i found out he cheated on me. The same day we get together he decides that, that was a good day to sleep with his secretary Alaina. To say i was heartbroken was a understatement. I was broken into pieces and i feel like it's because i never really had a boyfriend you know. I was never able to feel that pain, so when all of that happened i couldn't handle it. I Ran off and ended up into the hands off your ex baby daddy i guess i should say. The man is crazy i don't understand how you feel in love with him( my mom shrug her shoulders but stay quiet for me to continue to talk). Jacob showed me he really cared that night, i didn't think he did at first with the baby news and all but i judged the book by its cover. He saved me that night, i don't know what i would've done if dad didn't at least make it out. But after that i forgave Jacob and we moved on from that. I tried to keep up with the babymomma thing but that drained me. I didn't want him having a baby with some other girl when she got pregnant during our dating period. I should've been the one having his baby not her. (She raised a eyebrow with a crazy look) Well i mean, not that early but you know what i mean. So i didn't want to leave him i just needed space to comprehend that whole situation but i didn't know how to do that. Leaving him was the hardest thing i EVER had to do and feeling the pain i caused him was the worst experience ever (i said wiping a tear away). Then when i seen him last night it was so much pain i was feeling, i just wanted them to kill me. He don't want me so why should i stay. I did him wrong and even kept the secret about the baby away from him. I know he wants to know and I kept it away from him is that bad? I just want him to love me and only me, am i being selfish?" I said crying at the end.

"Babygirl look your not a bad person at all but you should've told him. There are some dads that want their kids and some dads don't want anything to do with most of them. And yes naila that's selfish because if you have a baby and also with his other child Naomi, his love isn't always going to be towards you. Your going to have to learn how to share and i know that's hard to do with this really being your first boyfriend. Now i want to apologize for leaving you and making you feel all alone. I made a mistake so i guess that's the way i had to pay the price. Jacobs dad wasn't bad at all when it came to me, but the night when i made that choice, it was selfish. If i would have token care of my responsibility i would still be there." She said putting her head down.

"Ma why did you do it in the first place?" I ask her.

"Because your father was all about work and never paid me any attention. And since you already know i work half of time being the Queenpin of Cali, we never had time for each other. So when i had a trade with Damien, We spent more time together even though he worked most of the time he took time out for me. He showed me love, your dad didn't show anything but i knew he loved me and i loved him. But i just wanted my family back so i did what i had to do but in the wrong way." She said frowning.

"It's okay mom i forgive you, i just miss you a lot." I said

"I know and I've been missing you to. Oh and i have a surprise for you!!" She said jumping up. She grab my hand and take me through this long hallway to this room.

She push me forward so i can walk in and it was a baby nursery. Hearing baby cries i walk up to the crib and the baby look like Jacob. I turn around and notice that my mom was gone.


Then i turned around to see the baby is gone
"Where did the baby go!" I reach down in the crib and was taken right back into the darkness.


Other side ??

Will she survive?

Did she die?

The baby??

Continue to read to find out what's going to happen next. Thank you for reading my book❤️ and please don't forget to

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