Meeting Standards

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"Mannn WHAT" i yelled in the phone tired of it ringing. I had a long day at school so since it's Friday I'm trying to sleep. "Get yo bigheaded self up were going to a party tonight."

"And who said i was going...mhm??"
"I said so and you better be here within the next hour love ya see ya soon!" She said hanging up the phone before i was able to argue back. I don't even understand why I'm going i wasn't even invited but hey I'll go for Eve. I went and did my hygiene and put on my dress with my string up heels.
[outfit at the top]
Looking in the mirror making sure I'm set and ready to go. I grab a coat and my keys and left. When i arrived at Eve's house i went inside to see if she was ready. Using my key to get in i walk to her room hearing her music playing throughout the house. I opened her door just to see her twerking, so you know what i had to do HYPE MY BESTIE ALL THE WAY UP! "Ayyee f*** it up suhhss" i yelled as i begin to twerk along with her.

Lil booties, where is the

Lil booties, I want the

Lil booties, I need the

Lil booties, show me the

Lil booties, throw me the

Lil Booties, This for the

Lil Booties, You know the

You know that lil booties matter

"Ayeeeee BIG BOOTIES MATTER." I stopped and looked at her

"girl it's lil booties not-"

"I know what it say but you got a whole not a half but a whole butt thats big. So don't try it." She said bossy.

"OKAY BOSS" i giggled because i knew she was gone come back with something stupid.

"YOU KNOW ITTT" and she started back twerking. I pushed her off and laughed at her stupidity while picking my things back up "girl come on before we be late!" I screamed walking out of her room to wait on her outside.
She came out looking confused "what did you forget now?"
"I didn't forget anything. I'm just trying to figure out WHY IN THE HELL......" i looked at her waiting for her to finish her sentence. "Why are you looking better than me like i thought i was the best around here" i bust out laughing "and i don't know why your laughing hooker" she said joining me. "I bet yo daddy like it" i said while smirking at her and licked my bottom lip seductively. "Eww keep yo nasty comments to your self and save them for yo future bae. We continue to laugh while walking along the sidewalk. Hearing the muffled music playing as we get closer to the party only made my body feel nervous. I don't do parties for a reason because there's something that always happen with drug dealers and I'm not trying to get caught up in any of that mess. All I'm going to do tonight is watch over Eve then go home. Finally making it to the house that was packed all the way out. People were outside kissing and mingling with others but in the inside there was dancing, games, and etc. Making our way through the crowd with no lights on but in the kitchen. We go grab us a drink to start the night off.
"This party is lit" Eve said.
"I wonder who's hosting this party." I said looking across the room until i meet those brown eyes again. We held eye contact but i broke it facing back to Eve.
"Well, I'm about to find a cutie and dance I'll call you or find you when I'm ready to go okay?" She said finishing her drink. "Okay be careful. Have fun" i said smiling " you too" and she walked away into the crowd. Feeling arms wrap around my waist only made my nerves worse until i heard that voice "wassup ma" he said right above my ear. "Hi" i said in almost a whisper surprised he heard me over the music. "You look good in this dress. Your trying to impress me huh?" Turning around to get a good look at him with this goofy look on his face, that was soo cute i couldn't help but smile. Wrapping my arms around his neck "no but if i did try to do that did i meet your standards?" Looking at him in his eyes a smile spread across his face that would make any women give up them draws "ooo baby trust me you met my standards and more." His hands traveled down my back to my butt and gave it a soft squeeze. I held back a moan that wanted to escape but held him closer to me by his neck. He spanked my butt, grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor.

[Song at the top. Play the song here!]

I wrapped my arms back around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. Leaving no space between us but our clothes. Minutes later while looking into his eyes his hands travel right back down to my butt and giving my butt a good rub. I ain't gonna lie i don't even know this man and he got me feeling some type of way. " What you thinkin bout ma?" He said in my ear but begin to travel from my ear down to my neck with soft kisses. " mhmm I'm ugh..." i clear my throat trying to talk straight. He begin to suck on my spot he found making it harder for me to tell him what's on my mind. "Jayyyyyy" i moaned but whined also trying to get his attention. He chuckled lifting his head back up meeting my eyes "I'm sorry ma you just distracting me right now. I can't even think straight." I laughed and he joined "Well, now that i can tell you. I... um i..." i said breaking eye contact with him looking down. Looking down not long enough he lifted my head with his finger "tell me ma there's no reason to be shy" he said serious. "I want to get to know you. You seem like a good person with a good heart and boy i ain't even gonna lie the way you making me feel i just want to take you somewhere and have my way. BUT i want to get to know you for you so can that happen?" I said. He looked like he was thinking but his response made my heart flutter "yeah ma wateva you want to do. As long as i see you I'm good." He said separating from me as the song end. We exchanged numbers just in time before Eve texted me saying she was ready. We walked to her house, i got in my car and went home.


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