The Past (part 1)

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"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I'm doing this because like i said an HOUR ago you belong to me. Thank your mom oops I'm sorry she's dead."

"F*** YOU, You don't know anything about my mom!" I said letting tears fall from my eyes, getting very angry at whoever this man was, because no ONE disrespect my mom. He came up to me in a rush and grabbed my face roughly "What did you say..mhm because i can make that come true. I can F*** you real good so you can have my baby that your mom killed." He said smirking.

"My mom didn't have any other kids nor was she ever pregnant with YOUR BABY." Snatching my head away from his hands i looked down into my lap.

"Ooh your mom didn't have the chance to tell you, huh? Well, you should've asked your dad....matter of fact BRING HIM OUT!" Time he said that i whipped my head up. There he was my dad beaten up and cut. "LET HIM GOO" i yelled but ended up crying because i couldn't get to him. He's all i have left.

Flashback Voice:
Make something of my-self and always Always t-take care of dad with much....
(Flashback end)

"Love" i said finishing our motto. I looked at my dad seeing nothing but pain in his eyes "I'm so-so sorry babygirl, i let you down. I-i tried to keep you away from him. I t-tried." Dropping his face down i asked them the only question i needed to be answered.

"What Happened?"
"Well since you asked, Jordan tell her about her mom."

(10 years earlier):
Raquel(Raa-KEHL) POV

"Hey mommy." Naila said walking into the kitchen "are you feeling better?" She said concerned.

"Yes my little angel I'm feeling way better." I said lying. I don't want my child worrying about me because this sickness isn't going to stay long. "Where's your dad?" I said looking around.
"Oh, daddy getting out of the car with the groceries."
"Okay honey, go ahead and do your homework." I walk pass her to go upstairs. Going into the bathroom in my room i closed the door and lock it. Digging in the cabinet i look for the pregnancy test i bought last night. Taking the pregnancy test praying that it says negative, i let it sit there for 3 minutes like the directions says.
*knock knock* " baby are you in there?"
"Yeah I'm coming just give me a minute."
"Okay" He said walking away from the door. *Beep Beep Beep* Scared to look at it my eyes filled with tears. This can ruin my life, being the Queenpin of Cali and having another mans baby that also happens to be the Kingpin of Cali Damien Mitchell can't happen. We started messing around a month ago after a drug trade we did together. Looking at the test my heart drop my life is over how am i going to tell Jordan I'm pregnant when I'm not pregnant with his baby. Walking out of the bathroom with tears still coming down i look up to see Jordan sitting at the end of the bed. Jumping up from the bed putting my face in his hands "what's wrong baby." I couldn't say anything so all i could do was give him the pregnancy test.
"Your-your pregnant?" He said looking at me. Nodding my head i bust out crying when he started to yell "WHO THIS F**KING BABY BELONG TO? WE HAVNT HAD SEX." He said getting very angry at me.
Throwing the pregnancy test he yelled again "ANSWER MY D*MN QUESTION RAQUEL!" Not even above a whisper i tell him.

"Da-Damien's" i said still looking down. It was quiet for a good minute so i look up to only see pain, betrayal, and anger in his eyes. He step back to process what i told him.

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