Secret Dungeon

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Naila Pov


Getting out of the shower i put on my sleeping clothes. I turn on the tv knowing darn well all I'm going to do is think.I've been thinking about calling him but I'm scared. I'm scared after he finds out he's going to be mad at me. Ive been staying in a hotel for the longest because one minute I'm ready to go back and then I'm not. I done got myself in some deep junk and i don't think i can tell anybody. It's not anything i did but it's what we did that will affect our life's. Turning off the tv my phone starts to ring.

*Phone Call*


Why haven't i heard from you?

Um i don't know ? But if you don't mind me asking who is this?

Ooo you don't remember who this is ?

Obviously if I'm asking

Well this is your College Professor

OH Mr. Stevenson it's nice talking to you again. But what are you calling about?

(He chuckled)
Well if you must know your In for a rude awakening.

What do you mean ?
(I said getting scared. So i texted and asked Eve can i come over.)

Babydoll you'll see

Excuse me i don't know whats your problem but please don't call me.

Oh trust me i won't have to.

* I hung up the phone fast*

That man has always been weird and I've never felt comfortable around him. He's a lil pervert and very aggressive. One day we got into an argument about my work after school and he ended up grabbing my arm to tight. So after that Day i never went close by him. Getting the text from Eve saying it was okay if i came by i grab some clothes, my keys, and left.
Driving down East Park Ave to Eve house i notice in the rear view mirror the same car is behind me. I turned to see if it was going to turn and it did. Afraid was the word that fit me right now. I don't know what to do so I'm going to call Darrell.

"DARRELL!" I said scared

"Naila? What's wrong?"

"Someone's following me and i don't know what to do" i said breaking down crying.

"Sh*t! Okay calm down and breathe for me okay." He said. I calmed down a little before he said something else.

"Where are you?"

"I'm over here by y'all house."

"Okay hurry up and get here."

"Okay." I said looking into the rear view mirror again. But was only left confused.

"I'm going to stay on the phone with you until you get here."

"Okay, and Darrell?"

"Yeah wassup? You good."

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