Funeral or Nahh

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*Haven't Been edited*

Jacobs Pov

"Good Evening Church."

"Good Evening."

"We are gathered here today In loving memory of Naila Bellamy and-

Jumping up in the chair sweating like nothing before i try to calm down. I look at my hand and noticed her hand was still in mine. I kiss her hand and stomach before i went and took a shower. I couldn't help but to think of that dream while i took a shower. I was hoping that i didn't have to go through that but when they put her in here they said that this was it, for the both of them. They were going to take my baby out but i told them to leave him alone. That was the way i wanted them to leave if it ever came down to that, but I've been praying and praying. And just to let you know I'm not giving up. They say this is the end but i believe in gods results. Standing in this shower I realize that I've been through all of this with Alaina them and naila within a year. I get out to put on some clothes and head back out but i froze.....

where the hell is naila??

Looking at her empty bed i hear some nurses in the hallway screaming "Hospital."
I run out of Naila's room to see what's going on. It's to much going on in this hallway, i have to push my way through just to see. Finally making it to the front i hear one of the nurses say something
"She might not make it to the hospital on time."
"Excuse me have you seen Naila Bellamy? She's not in her room-

"Are you Mr Mitchell?"

"Yes ma'am i am, is there a problem?" I ask getting a little worried.

"Well your wife is having her baby and i don't know how this is even possible. But we are taking her back to the hospital, now."

"Okay let's go."

I had to drive behind them nervous as hell. I don't know what's going on but i put it in gods hands. Pulling up to the hospital i had to find a parking spot. After 3 minutes of searching for one i finally find one and rush into the hospital. Asking the nurse at the front desk for Naila Bellamy, she tells me to wait in the waiting room. While i wait i call everybody to let them know what's going on. I told them they can stay home because it's early in the morning but they said they were coming anyways. It only took them about 12 minutes to get here and I'm glad because I'm a nervous wreck. Darrell them run in and start asking questions back to back.

"Is she okay?"

"Did they tell you what was wrong."

"Why is she here?"

"Did she die?"

And that just made my mind go crazy

"Can you guys please calm down. Now to answer you all questions, i don't know what's going on. I had just got out of the shower and noticed she wasn't in her bed. I run out and see everybody running around like chickens. They told me what was going on-

"And that is?" Eve says pushing Darrell to the side to see me.

"She's having the baby but they don't know how." I said looking at her.

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