Dont Leave Me

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(Didn't Proofread. Sorry 😣)


"Baby turn your alarm off." Naila mumbled.

I ignore her and go back to sleep. Not even five minutes i feel her slap the hell out of me. I jump up looking at her crazy.

"Bruh what the hell is wrong with you." I said. I get on top of her to grab her hands, putting them above her head.

"Get off me Jacob. I want to go to sleep." She said looking up at me pouting.

"I'll get off of you when i want to." I said to her kissing her neck. Every time I'm around her i can't help but to do that to her.

"Babyyy pleaseee." She said trying not to moan.

"Stop trying to resist me." I separate my lips from hers to look down at her. I kiss her one more time and roll off of her. I got to get ready for this appointment to finally see the kids for the first time. To be honest I'm kinda scared and excited at the same time. But hey this is life and i have to own up to my mistakes. After i took a shower and put on my clothes i kissed my baby goodbye. I went into the room we let Alaina get to see if she was ready. Just to be nice i spoke.

"Good morning Alaina."

"Morning Jacob." She said looking up.

"You ready to go?" I ask her looking at my phone to see what time it said.

"Yeah I'm ready, just let me grab my bag and I'll be right on out." She said.

I walk out to the car to start it and wait for her to come out. She get in and we head out to the doctors place in a comfortable silence. Walking in we wait for her name to be called and talk for the time being.

"So have you thought of any names?"

"Well for a girl i thought of Destiny Amor Mitchell and for a the boy i was going to leave that up to you." She said smiling.

"I see this makes you very happy about the kids and all." I said smiling. Actually happy about us getting along and the kids as well.

"Yes it does. It makes me very happy that i get to have your kids." She said smiling. Not knowing that was dead as wrong at the same time.

"Bruh here we go. I thought we could let that shxt go Alaina." I sigh and frown at how fu*king petty she can be. If it was up to me Naila would've been the only woman carrying my children. I made a mistake though so there's no ifs and buts about this.

"J you know you want me.-" she said coming closer to me every time i slide away from her.

"Man move Alaina. I don't want you i have who i want and I'm not about to loose her over you...Again." I said getting frustrated at this conversation.

"J please me and our kids need you." She said grabbing my hand. I snatch it back and stand up in front of her.

"My kids will have me and i promise you that. But i will not be there for you in that way but i will help you support my kids." I said trying to make her understand that i don't want her. She was about to say something but got cut off.

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