The Set Up

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(Tierra Cambelle)

Jacob Pov

Did this nigga just say kids? I know i heard wrong, I'm gone need him to repeat this.

"NIGGA, i know you heard me." He said.


"Ooh i see what this is...shawty ain't tell you huh?" He bust out laughing.

"What did she tell you?"i said with my hands balled up.

"You a dumb Azz nigga first because you should know them twins ain't yours." He said soo serious.

"Them are my twins and i know that for a fact." I said getting so loud.

"Lil Nigga somebody done told you wrong." He said walking up on me.

"Tyga?" Alaina whispered.

"Wassup Ma" He said walking towards her, Kissing her lips.

"What are you doing here?" She said nervously.

"To come see my girls. Why wouldn't i be here ?" He said.

"Oo there's no reason i was just asking." She said smiling.

I'm just standing there like a lost da*m puppy not knowing what's going on

"ENOUGH! What the hell is going on here?" I look at them two but i let my eyes travel to Alaina. "I'm going to ask you this one time. Are those girls mine?" I said trying to stay calm but it's not working.

"Look i can explain-" she tried to say with her hands up in defense.

"WELL EXPLAIN!" I screamed.

"Aye don't be talking to her like t-" Tyga said getting all defensive.

"Shut yo azz up because i don't think i was talking to you." I said.

I look back at Alaina and give her that look to explain.

"Okay. I never really f*cked with you at all. I was just in for the D at first but we started Messing with each other more and more as the days went by and i ended up falling for you. When you rejected me i was hurt but just to let you know I got that job with you to set you up." She stopped and smirked. Men flooded the room and held me down while she finish talking.
"Like i was saying the only reason i wanted that job was to get you killed. I've been planning this for a good minute and you never noticed because i was just the "main chick" that gave you what you wanted. But that plan went out of the window when you meet ms Naila . I wanted her dead and i still do but i had a better plan. I planned to get pregnant with your baby but you knew that already,right? So i poked the holes of course and ruined y'all relationship. I knew she couldn't handle being the stepmom or me staying with y'all, so i did what i had to do. So now that you know, take him to the dungeon boys and make sure he doesn't escape because i have a special surprise for you baby." She said winking at me.

"What the f*ck GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled trying to get loose but that didn't help at all.

"Oo you want to know the results right?" She screamed while they carried me to the door.
She laughs and say the only thing i wish never came out of her mouth

"Well i had a DNA test done and YOU ARE...."

To Be Continued.....


Who's the daddy?
What's the surprise?
What's going to happen next?

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