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(A Day later)
Jacob Pov

Feeling around for naila i notice that she's gone. I jump up out of the bed panicking. I search up an down the whole house for her. Running into the kitchen i broke down crying and ran back to the room looking through her dresser. Throwing everything my hands could get in contact with i destroy the whole room. Dropping down to my knees i cry out

"BABY WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME. I thought we were suppose to be together forever..."

I cried for a good hour no lie. I love this girl man and she did this to me. I'll do anything to get her back into my arms, laying next to me like she's suppose to be and that's on G. Calling Eve maybe she knows something that could help me get her back.

"Uh hey j wasup?"

"H-h-hey have you spoken to Naila"


"Man just tell me i know you know."

"Ughh yes i have and she said she doesn't want to speak with anybody right now."

"Please tell her to call me or at least text me. She can't just sleep with me and leave me broken hearted like this." (my voice begin to crack)

"J just give her some space right now. She will be back to you i promise, she just need to think."

"Okay, okay (i said pacing) but please tell her to come back as soon as possible. I can't function without her.

"Okay I'll tell her." She said but i hear that lovely voice.

Everything on the other side
Of this phone gets quiet.
"Baby i know you can hear me and i understand you need your space. I just want you to know i love you so much and i wouldn't trade you for nothing in the world. You can always come back home when your ready.

*I hang up*

Why can't she see that she belongs to me. Baby not going no where.

Naila Pov

"WHY DID YOU LEAVE HIM NAILA!" Eve scream at me.

"I couldn't take it i need some space away from his second life." I said looking down wiping away my tears.

"SECOND LIFE!(she laughs) Naila you're his life. What ever you want or need you get it. Whatever you say it goes, soooo..." she said looking at me.

"I told you man i don't think i can do this." I said looking at her.

"You can and you know this. You have to accept the fact that he had a life before you. Even though he cheated on you the first day, you said you had forgiven him and moved on. Just make up your mind before you loose something you need." She said walking off letting me think.

Evelyn Pov

Naila and Jacob are just going through it but i have my own problem. Darrell doesn't know I'm pregnant and i just found out 2 days ago. I don't know how he's going to feel about this but i hope he accept our baby. Sitting here waiting for him to get home from Jacobs house, i take a quick nap. I get up when i hear a door slam and stretch. Darrell walks in our room to kiss me and get out of his clothes. I think this is the best time, so I'm going to spill the beans.

"Hey baby. How was your day?" I said starting off the conversation.

"Tiring. I had to run the trap today then go check up on him and let me tell you he's destroyed. I don't know what type of cat yo friend got but he's whipped.

I throw a pillow at him "don't be talking about my friend like that."

"Yeah I'm just saying." He shrug his shoulders.

"I'm pregnant!" I yell out. He stop all of his movements and just stand there.

"Come on Darrell. Say something." I said nervously.

He turns around running towards me and picked me up. Spinning me around he kiss me.

"I know I'm not perfect and i wasn't ready to be a dad. But I'm going to try to do everything you need me to do. To support our baby and us." He said kissing me one more time.

"Thank you baby. I really appreciate this i really do.!" I said crying a little.

"You know i got you shawty and that's never gone change." He said kissing me and one thing lead to another.

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