Dead Or Alive Boy

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*Haven't Been Edited*

Jacobs Pov

It's been a week and it doesn't look like she's going to wake up in time for the baby to survive. Today's the deadline and if my little man don't make i don't know what I'm going to do. I can't blame her because this is all my fault. If i would've not slept with Alaina she wouldn't be here fighting for her life nor my sons. Everybody is here holding each other up but i can't even do that, all of this guilt, this pain I'm feeling, and sleepless nights is killing me. I just want my wife and child is that to much to ask? Im not saying I'm not grateful because god has been keeping her. This is just to much on me. Walking up to her hospital bed i take her hand and kiss her pale hand. Feeling tears in my eyes i take her hand and my hand to put it on her stomach. Leaning down i lay my head on her stomach and let my tears flow. Imma Druglord but at the end of the day i have problems that are out of my control and i have to cry it out. But right now all i can do is pray how naila taught me. Before i was able to start praying i feel hands lay on back

"Hea-venly Father i come to you Right now asking fo-for forgiveness. Anything i have done that's not like you i am truly sorry god please please forgive me. I want to thank you for keeping naila and my son this long but I'm begging you god( i break down crying out loud but i kept on praying) I'm begging you to keep them. God i don't know what i would do without them. I've learned my lesson god just please make this stop, this pain im feeling i can't take it anymore. If you want to take me god do it. I'll do anything to keep them alive. God please look over my son because today is his deadline date. He doesn't deserve this he's only a baby. He haven't even made it in the world and you're already trying to take him away from me. I haven't been able to hold his small hand, kiss his jaws, make him laugh when he was crying, and most of all make memories. I want to be able to hold naila and my baby in my arms. I want- no i need them to be okay and healthy. GOD( i tighten my grip on Naila's hand crying and screaming out his name) GOD I NEED YOU PLEASE DONT DO THIS. WHATEVER I DID I WONT DO IT AGAIN JUST DONT TAKE THEM FROM ME!" I fall down on my knees crying hard. I don't care about being a Druglord, because right now I'm a husband and father in need of a miracle.

"Baby J?" I hear my brothers voice. I don't acknowledge him at all, but when i feel hug me i know he's not giving up. Rocking us back and forth on the floor he talks to me but breaks down to.
"She's going to be okay, man i promise. She loves you, she needs you right now. You have to be strong for her."

"I-I-I can't..." i cry out.

"Get up Jacob." My brother said sniffing. I get up shaking and tried to look at him through the tears.
"What i need you to do is give your wife and child a kiss and go take a walk, okay."
I nod my head letting him know i understand. I did what he told me to do and left.

Jordan's Pov
(Nailas father)

When Jacob left the nurse came in telling us that they are sending her to hospice. They said that they can't do anything else for her and the baby. So right now they are basically giving up on them. I broke down crying like everybody else in this room did. I loss my wife now I'm loosing my only child, my babygirl and my grandchild. I can't tell Jacob this. I watched him for a hour pray, crying out and filled with so much pain i don't think he will be able to handle this. The Men came in to transfer naila to hospice, and time they opened the door red puffy eyes only broke more. This can't get anymore worse then what it is already.

"W-What are you doing with her?" He said.

"Sir we are only doing our job-

"And that is?" He said getting angry.

"We are only here to take her away to hospice."

Jacob looked at them crazy and started to scream

"YOUR NOT TAKING HER ANYWHERE. SHES STAYING HERE! YOU THINK SHES GOING TO DIE? NO SHES NOT SHE CANT LEAVE ME. SHE CANT." Jacob yelled. He tried to drag the bed back but a broken Darrell held him back.

"GET OFF ME!" Jacob screamed.

"Jacob calm down." Darrell said calm.

"NO GET OFF of m-meee...." he said breaking down. I hug Eve comforting her as We watch them drag her away.

It's been a hour since everything went down and we are now sitting in Nailas Hospice room. They have it very homey in here for her until she passes away. Jacob didn't take this well at all right now but he's been doing nothing but praying. Right now he's holding her hand looking out of the window. And to be honest I'm glad my baby have him in her life because i can honestly see he loves her and he won't give up on her.

Just like me and Raquel



The Druglord done learned from naila how to pray 🙏🏾

Is this the end?

Will god answer his prayer?

What would you do if you were in Jacobs shoes?

This was the saddest chapter ever 💔


Thank you guys ❤️ for reading my book.
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Thanks, Smooches😘

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