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(Naila at the top)
(Sorry in advance. Didn't proofread)

Jacob Pov

Wassup y'all it's been a minute since i talked to y'all but life has been great. I got my baby back 2 months ago surprising that same night, everything went down. I haven't heard from Alaina since that night and i hope i never see her again. Some Nights i sit here and wonder if that's my baby and if it is i want to be in my baby's life. But If it's not all i can do is pray that whoever baby that is don't come out like it's momma. Getting out of bed sore as hell because naila want to sleep all wild, i go and handle my hygiene and head out to the trap.

Everybody was doing what they needed to do and I'm happy about that. My day goes smooth when i don't have to yell at them. Getting some work done somebody knocked on my my door.

"Come in." I said not looking up.

"Boss somebody here to see you. They said it's important." Darrell said. I look up to see him looking crazy.

"Ight send em in." I said confused on why he was looking like that. Going back in on my work my door opens to reveal the last person i want to see right now.

"Hey J." She said quietly. Like she knew if she even talked loud i would blow up.

"First Of all my name is Jacob to you. And second of all Why the f**k are you here?" I said looking back down. Trying to control some of my anger.

"Look i didn't come here to cause trouble J- Jacob. I just wanted to talk to you about your baby's." She said.

"Hold up yo i don't even know if that's my baby. And did you just say BABY's with an S!?" I said.

"Yes i did. I'm having twins and they are yours. I know this for a fact and you do to. But anyways i need somewhere to stay to rest my head. I'm tired of not eating everyday and not having anywhere to sleep nor wash my clothes." She said breaking down crying.

I hate to see females cry but this female right here put me through shxt.

"Ight man chill out with all that crying. Let me call naila and see if it's okay for you to stay with us." I said pulling my phone out.

"Hold up. She stays with you and i wasn't even able to go to your house!" She yelled.

"Okay what your not going to do is this right here. I'm trying to help yo rabbit ahhz out because you're so called pregnant with my baby's. So chill before you burn your bridge." I said in a stern voice.

"Yeah whatever." She said with a attitude. Lord please help me. I want to choke the hell out of her. I'm kinda scared because naila ain't gone let this girl stay at my house. But you never know until you try.

*Calling 🤞🏾☺️👅WIFE🙈💦😉*

Wassup baby

Nun much wyd (i said in a nervous tone )

Nothing was on the phone with Evelyn until you called.

Oo okay well i have to ask you a question

okay wassup?

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