One Shot

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*This whole book hasn't been edited so please excuse all the things that's wrong

Naila's Pov

"Ma'am your baby... did make it. We were able to save the baby even though the day you were suppose to wake up was the deadline for the baby's good health." She said.

I nod my head

"okay and where's my baby. Can we see him? Because right now your tone isn't convincing me at all." Jacob said.

"Well sir, they are about to bring the baby in here-

"But?" Evelyn said talking with her hands.

"Just wait until the baby get in here i would like for you to see for yourself. I'm sorry but right now i can't say." The Nurse said, putting her head down.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind tell me what's your name?" Darrell said squinting his eyes towards her name tag.

"U-um" she cleared her throat "it's Danica, Danica Rose."

"Well Ms Danica, we just want to know what's wrong with my nephew....but if there's nothing you can do thank you." Darrell said shaking her hand.

Evelyn's Pov

What the hell was that.. a mother f*cking Thank you!!!

I slap his hand from hers because it was there way to long and if this nigga think he's about to sit here and disrespect me, while I'm big and pregnant with his baby he have another thing coming. I clear my throat and that causes him to look at me with a confused look on his face. I shake my head to dismiss this but just know he's going to hear my mouth when we get home.

"Can we just see the doctor?" I roll my eyes at her.

"Yes ma'am- oh this is them now." She walks and opens the door.

Jacobs Pov

They finally walk in with my baby boy and I'm so happy right now to see him. I grab Naila's hand to show her I'm here for the both of us. I've been feeling like a p*ssy every since all of this been happening but i couldn't help but let a tear fall when i seen my son. I can finally live a perfect life I've been wanting with naila and my son.

"Thank you-

"Please don't thank me yet because there's something we need to tell you about your son."

I look at them confused but i nod my head telling him to continue.

"First off I'm Mr Gilbert, i help save your son tonight but other than that there's some news I'll be telling you guys."

"Good or Bad?" Darrell said concerned.

"Im so sorry to say this but this is nothing but bad news. I'm here to inform you that your baby is paralyzed from the waist on down. When your girlfriend was shot in the stomach the bullet hit his spinal cord which caused that to happen. We did take it out but didn't see any signs of the baby getting hurt. But what made this worse was the day Ms Naila was suppose to wake up, she didn't and that made the baby's condition worse to the point where it caused the baby to have asthma. On top of that your son is premature because of him having to be born early so that's another thing added on the list. If there's any questions you have please don't hesitate to call me back in here. Thank you for your time."

I didn't even answer, like what the actually f*ck. My baby ain't have nothing to do with this bullsh*t and now my first born boy will not be able to walk or use his legs for anything. I look at naila to see that she's wiping her tears away with one hand and touching his leg with one of her fingers. I go to hug her, to try and comfort her but she snatches away from me. I'm not even going to lie i want things to go back to the way there were, back to normal but how's that going to happen when she keep on acting like a little child. I shake my head and back away to let Evelyn comfort her because I'm not even in the mood to try to chase her today. I feel my brothers hand on my back to show me his support. I walk towards my son and kiss his head

"I love you son, I'm sorry this Happened to you." I look at my son but also look at naila. We held each other gaze for a good minute but i break it and was about to walk out of the door.

"What are you going to name him?" I hear Darrell say.

"Jace Maurice Mitchell.." Naila said

"Jace, huh" i ask before i leave.

"Yes, your sons name is Jace. Do you like it?"

"Yes i love it....just like i love you." And with that i leave to go clear my head. I don't understand why she can't see that i love her but if she can't see that i don't know what I'm going to do. I can only wait to see what's going to happen next.

This whole relationship depends on her

......that's if we even had one




What happens to their relationship?
Does it starts back off from where they left off or are they done?

Is Darrell and Evelyn having problems?

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I know I've been apologizing so much in this chapter 😂😂 but sorry for making y'all wait for an update. Just to let y'all know there will be a sequel to this book, but this book still have a little more to go.
Stay updated and invite your friends to read as well, i hope y'all are enjoying this book so far and thank you for reading.

~Smooches 😘

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