I Keep My Word

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*sorry haven't been edited*

Jacobs Pov

I left the hospital to go handle Tyga and Alaina. But before i did that i went by the house to change my clothes to all black and to kiss my little girls. Walking into the house i see Eve sleeping on the sofa and Darrell rocking the babies.

"Wassup baby J" He said nodding his head.

"Nothing much man trying to keep my head up. They told Naila well technically me that if she doesn't wake up Within a week, the baby will be in serious danger." I said shaking my head.

"She will pull through bruh. She's getting better health wise so all you have to do is have a little faith." He call himself Preaching.

"Boy, i know yo thug self ain't trying to Preach." I start laughing for the first time in a long time.

"Nigga nahh and shut up before you wake up uncle babies." He said mugging me.

I kiss my girls forehead
"They were my babies before they were yours." I walk up the stairs and change. Coming back down the stairs i ask Darrell if he was coming or not. So he asked Eve to watch the girls and if not he would stay.

"You sure baby." He said pecking her lips.

She rub her eyes "Yes, i got them. I promise I'll be fine go ahead." She took the babies from him and pecked his lips.

Outside in the car i looked at him and laugh
"You soo Damn whipped."

"Nigga i know you ain't talking. Now shut up and drive "Druglord" " He said using his hands for quotation marks around Druglord.
I look at him smirking but drove.

Making it there i walk in ready for this action that's about to take place. These nigga's thought i was playing but today I'm showing them i mean what i say. They been down here for a couple of months but who cares, it's time for them to accept their consequences.
Meeting Dre inside and some more of my niggas that work for me i get straight to business. Darrell stood behind tyga while Dre stood behind Alaina. I signal for them to snatch the bags off of their heads and they do so. Looking at them i smirk liking the fact that they are both up. I speak to only show respect unlike how they did to us.

"Hey how are yall? Had enough time to sleep? Well i think that's great let's start." I said not giving them a chance to talk. "Now which one of you like to go first, huh?." They look at me crazy but didn't say anything. Now thats just disappointing. "Nooo why are y'all getting quiet on me now.. i want to hear ya talk." I started Pouting for a minute but that didn't last because i begin to smirk.
"Well i think it's just right for the girl to go first, right?" I ask them. I look at Alaina's face that was filled with so much fear and so many the tears that ran down her face. I smile at her and say the words that will get the Screaming going
"Lets Get this started Alaina but i want to explain to you why you're getting punished. Just to make things clear you're not getting punished for getting pregnant by someone else because i can care less but you hurt somebody making that careless move. And that was you and tygas baby, Natasha. But i just wanted to inform you that She was diagnosed with Triple X Syndrome because y'all two nasty asses wanted to have sex and obviously didnt know y'all was siblings. But besides that( i was still looking at her while she broke down some more, crying like she actually cares.) you had my wife hit by a damn car while she was pregnant with my baby AND YOU KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT! Then you, yo brother and your little girlfriend decided that y'all was gone kill her and let me tell ya, y'all was very successful but god had different plans for her. Now She's in a damn coma with my baby boy that has a deadline by the end of this week. So just to cut this short do you have any last words? Either of you?" I smirk at them waiting for them to say something.
"I have something to say." Tyga said. I just look at him impatiently waiting.

"Go To Hell!" He looked mad as hell but he should've thought about his actions before now.

"I'll see you there because i promise ya that's where you're going." I smile at him.


My men brought my tools in and i went in. They were already naked and that made things way easier. I grabbed my knife that was very sharp from my men sharpening it and cut Alaina's Breast off. Hearing her scream was very satisfying and i couldn't get enough of it, So me being me i threw her cut off breast at tygas head and laughed. Going to her cunt i put the knife inside of her stabbing her insides to death. Enjoying that for 5 minutes straight i let her take a 30 second break. Changing my tool to a wood cutter, i cut off of her fingers and toes one by one putting them in a bucket for later use. Knowing shes almost dead i go to tyga with no words being said. I take hair clippers, digging the deeply into his face, and dragged them all the down to his neck. A missing skin bloody face still didn't satisfy me, but i had another idea. I drowned his body with Acid that burned his skin all the way up. Calling one of my girl workers up Candice i give her some instructions. Turning my head i hear her turn on the wood cutter and him screaming. I hear her turn it off and touch my shoulder
"Boss it's off." And with that she get back in line with everyone else. I start laughing when he screamed at me

"Are you crazy OMG MY D*CK IS GONE!"

"I'm glad you noticed that but that shouldn't be your concern right now. Stanley i need you to come and do something for me, if you don't mind.."
Stanley was the gayest nigga in here but when it comes to the streets he handles it well.
"Not at all sir. What do you need me to do?" He asked. I tell him what to do and he gets to work. I Watch him feed tyga Alaina's toes and fingers. When he wouldn't accept it Stanley shoved it down his throat. After he fed him he pats his head

"Good boy." He said.

Stanley wasn't done yet, and everyone in the room knew that. He took a bomb off the table and attached it to tygas cut off d*ck in the bucket. With everyone watching he shoves it up Alaina's Cunt and gives me the clicker. Nodding my head saying thank you he continues to do his job. Darrell comes over to stand by me looking disgusted

"Man what the hell Is wrong with you? This some nasty sh*t." He said shaking his hand.

"I'm just enjoying myself." I said acting innocent.

"Nigga please."

I look ahead at Stanley noticing he was waiting for me. I walk up to Alaina with the clicker in my hand and said something to her but loud enough so tyga could hear as well

"I'll make sure Natasha live a better life. NOW!" And with me saying that i click the clicker.
At the same time i watch Stanley cut tygas head all the way off but my attention was stolen when i seen Alaina's body blow up into many pieces. Feeling something hit my foot i look down to see tygas head.

Walking out of this abandoned building with Darrell i start to laugh when we made it to the car. Getting in i see him looking at me crazy

"If you gone stare say something." I said.

"You just EVVILLLL. I hope uncle babies just don't get this gene from you because if they do the whole world is in trouble."

"Ya Damn Right."


Jacob went crazy !!!!

Do you think he should've spared them?

Will his kids get that trait?

Week days fly by fast, so will Naila and the baby make it?

Thank you guys ❤️ for reading my book.
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Thanks, Smooches😘

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