Get to Know

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"Boy you did what" i said dying laughing. "Man i ain't saying it no mo" he said laughing with me. "I'm just saying you should've been more careful. Knowing darn well you was about to do that and you left your door unlocked. Tuh just stupid" i said pushing his head. "But anyways what do you do?" I asked.
"I own a business and you?" He said short and sweet. "I'm actually in school about to graduate in a month." I said proudly. "Oh what kind of business do you run? " I would love to own my own business one day. "I sell products and cars."
"What kind of-" GCO "enough about me. Have you ever been in a relationship and when is your birthday?" He said smiling. "February 4th and Nope never really trusted anybody ." I said frowning. "What about you? When is your birthday? Any relationships or babymomma's i need to know about? Any siblings?" He started to laugh "nahh ma i don't do relationships or babies. My birthday is June 2nd and siblings i have a half brother Darrell."
"Mhm okay and one more question."
"You and all these questions but i have an answer ma wassup?" I turned all the way towards him criss crossing my legs on the couch. "Why are you here? Are you looking for a F buddy or something?" When he said he don't do relationships that caught me off guard like nigga you ain't getting nun trying to be friends with benefits. "Even tho that would be nice ....i want you to be mine." He said looking at me in my eyes. I want to do this even tho i haven't been around this man for even a month Tuh a week but im feeling the same thing. I want him to be mine. "Mine?" I said smirking. He started to pull my face to his by my chin "yeah mine baby....mine." Only centimeters apart, eyes locked, and breathing heavy he closed the space and begin to tongue me down. Laying me down he get between my legs without breaking the kiss. I lock my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me if it's even possible, to deepen the kiss. Kissing along my jaw down to neck i let out a soft moan, while running my fingers through his hair. He let out a sexy groan and started to grind between my legs "jayy" i said above a whisper. This is torture to not feel him but mostly it's killing me because I'm not ready "baby" i moaned loud enough this time when he ran his ruff hands over everything under my shirt. "Mhm" He said trying to take my shirt off. It took everything in me to pull away and when i did me and him were a hot mess. "I'm not ready jay" i said looking down. Neither one of us moved trying to control our breathing and when i looked at him he looked confused. "I'm a virgin Jay." Stating the obvious he let out a sigh "Well, I'll wait. Whenever your ready you know I'll put it down." He said laughing trying to lift some of this heavy sexual tension from between us. "Thanks I'm glad you understand" i hugged him and pecked his lips which led up to kissing. "Damn it Naila stop it girl before i bend you over this couch." He groaned. I laughed while walking away to get me a cover "you want to stay and watch some movies with me?" Hoping he said yeah "yea i guess i can just keep yo hands to yourself."
Walking back into the living room laying on the couch "i should be telling you that Mr. wondering hands." He just smirked at me "shut up and scoot over for daddy." I looked at him like he was stupid but i made room for him to cuddle from behind me. "That's what i thought." He said wrapping me up in his arms in a comfortable position. As we watched the movie he rubbed my stomach not even 30 minutes into the movie i let the darkness take over me.

Jacob POV
Rubbing her stomach she ends up falling asleep on me. Looking down at her she's so beautiful with her brown skin tone that's shinning from the light through her blinds. While starring at her my phone goes off. Trying to hurry up without moving her and answer it before she woke up. Answering it not looking at who it was
"Yo?" I said not trying to be too loud. I got out from behind her and went to her kitchen. "Wassup boss man you have to get down here now!" Dre said like he was out of breath. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" i semi yelled trying not to get to loud but i was pissed already. "The Drug trade went left with Tyga and his gang. They started shooting and took off with the money and the drugs."
"Alright im on my way. Call everybody up and lock down the Trap until i get there." I said in a stern voice. "Yes sir." Hanging up i year soft footsteps coming from behind me knowing it's her. " aye i gotta leave my assistant just called it's an emergency" i said turning around to face her. "I heard yelling are you okay?" She said with a concerned look on her face. "Yea I'm good ma." Grabbing my things i start making my way towards her "I'll see you later, ight?" I said lifting her head up by her chin "Okay" she said softly. I kissed her sweet, soft, plump lips tasting strawberry from whatever she had on her lips. I pecked her lips one more time before leaving heading straight to the trap.


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