Love on LockDown

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We just found a body that was hit by a car. A little girl that looks about four years old. Plenty of witnesses was saying that she was walking across the street to catch the bus but the car ended up hitting her.

There has been a Bad car accident on Jane street. One of the cars has four females in them and the other only a male.

What are the females names?

Kayleigh Reed, Renee Jenkins, Autumn Jenkins, and Danielle Smith.

Did any of them make it?

Only two ma'am only two


Opening up my eyes i shut them quickly. I sit there for a minute to prepare myself and slowly open up my eyes. Letting my eyes adjust to these bright lights, i look around to see where i am. Looking around i can tell I'm in the hospital but why? Shifting my eyes towards the door, seeing that it was my mom, my sister and her twins busting through the door.

"Aww my baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" My mom said concerned.

"Of course mom, she's hurt. She wouldn't be in the hospital if she wasn't." Jasmin said in sarcastic voice.

"Oh you hush Jasmin I'm just worried about her. I haven't spoke to her since a week ago and most of all I could've lost her." She start patting the corner of her eyes.

I roll my eyes
"Why am i here?" I ask my sister.

"You don't remember, do you?" She said sadly.

"No i don't. I wouldn't be asking if i knew, so what happened." I said holding my head because of the pain.

"You were in a car accident, a week ago." She touch my arm, rubbing it up and down.

When she said that i remembered that i was in the car with Renee, Autumn, and Danielle.

"Are they okay, my friends?" I ask sitting up, worried.

"Um just lay back down, while i go get the doctor. Jasmin stay in here with her and make sure she don't get out of that bed." My mom said walking out of the room.

I just sat there trying to remember anything that happened that day but the only thing i can remember now is the four of us in my car. The doctor walks in to tell me what going on.

"So Doc whats going on since nobody else wants to tell me." I rolled my eyes at my mom and gave the doctor my undivided attention.

"First I'm glad to see that you made it out of your coma because others wasn't as lucky as you. As you should know you were in a coma for a week because of the car accident you were in. You also have memory loss and today i want to check you too see if you are clear to be discharged. Also there are detectives outside of this door to ask you questions about that day. I told them about your memory loss but they still want to ask questions. So I will be back to check on you and if you need anything just hit that button, okay?" The doctor said very professional.


The doctor walks out of the room and he's replaced with the detectives. They start to ask me these questions i didn't know and that pissed me off i couldn't answer or remember anything. I just wanted them to answer the question that's been floating in my head for the longest.

"Are my friends okay?"

"Well Ms Reed I'm sorry to inform you that two of your friends didn't make it. That was Ms Autumn Jenkins and Ms Danielle Smith. Autumn died on the way here to the hospital and Danielle was killed instantly. The only one that survived other than you was Ms Jenkins sister, Ms Renee but her baby didn't make it. It wasn't only them that wasn't killed but a little girl by the name of Aubrey Zander's was hit by your car and killed. You and Renee have a court date next week after Ms Zander's Funeral to give the family time to grieve. It starts at 10 in the morning so please be there or you will be found guilty for killing Aubrey Zander's. They already have a video of your car hitting her, so they have proof. But thats all for today, we will see you next week. Get better Ms Reed we wish you the best of luck." And with that they walk out of my room leaving me and my heart broken.

I killed this little girl. I killed my best friends. I killed Renee's baby. But how did this happen.

"TT(auntie) K are you okay?" The Twins asked wiping my tears away.

"Yes TT'S Okay. I just don't know What happened?"


The First Chapter!!!!

And there's more to come.....🥰❣️

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