Help Is Needed In More Ways Then One

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Eve & Darrell's BabyGirl

Eve & Darrell's BabyGirl

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A month later

Naila Pov

"Okay Ms Niala what's the problem?" The lady said.

"I don't have any problems." I said. I don't like sharing my business with a stranger. That's weird.

"Then why are you here? There has to be something bothering you, for you to be here."

"I-I don't like to share my business with a stranger."

"I promise, you can trust me. I've been trying to get you to understand that for a month now, just talk to me."

"Well okay, I feel like I've been through a lot because of the lifestyle my boyfriend lives.

I can't live without him, i love him so much it hurts but i feel like it was his fault why everything happened to us.

If he would have never slept with that girl we wouldn't be in this predicament. It's all because of her that me and my baby almost died.

Its all because of her dad i was in a car crash. And it-it's all because of her my c-child ended up paralyzed." I begin to sob.

Ms Wilson pass me some tissue to wipe my face.

"I just want a normal life is that to much to ask for?" I ask but i already know the answer.

"I'm not here to answer that because it looks like you already know the answer to that question." She said looking at me in the eyes

"but you can always have a normal life. I'm not telling you what to do but talk to him about getting out of the game. It might not go the way you want it but just ask him."

We talked some more about my problems and also hers as well. I'm shocked she had experienced her own sibling rapping her and it wasn't even a boy it was a girl.

But all that taught me was to move on and live my life. I thank her for taking time out of her days to speak with me. I go outside to get in the car with Jacob

"Hey baby" i said

"Wassup Babygirl" he leans over to kiss me.

I hear giggles and somebody scream like they are very excited. I break the kiss to look in the back seat and i see the twins smiling ear to ear.

Looking at the girls i smile at them, even though they are not mine I'm going to try to be there for them.

My son was just mean mugging for no reason, i know for a fact he gets that from his daddy.

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