(Part 2)

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Breaking down crying i couldn't believe it. My mom had an affair with her enemy, that she ended up falling in love with and killed his baby. How could she do that, why didn't my father tell me the truth.

"So all this time you have been lying to me.?" I said looking at my father.

"Babygirl it was for your own good. I just wanted to protect you!" He said.

"PROTECT ME HOW DAD HOWW? How were you going to protect me, when i don't know what i need to be protected from.!" I said crying through my tears.

"I thought it was for your own good." He said whispering. I look him in he eyes through the pain I'm feeling

"You thought wrong. Now let me go home...RIGHT NOW." I yelled at Damien or whatever his name is.

"Babygirl your not going anywhere-"

"Yes tf she is...she's going home with me." Hearing that deep sexy voice that just broke my heart 2 hours ago, made me very happy. Even tho I'm mad at him i just want to leave.

"Ooh son. You came to rescue your hoe huh? Well, let me fill you in shes not any different from her got damn mother." Turning around he noticed how his own son had a gun pointed towards him.

"Let her go and we can all go home in one piece." He said walking closer.

He started to shout walking towards him "Let her go? Are you OUT OF YOUR MIND!? HER MOM AND DAD KILLED YOUR SIBLING TO KEEP THEIR "HAPPY" FAMILY TOGETHER. WHAT ABOUT ME!" He said with his voice cracking at the end.

"Dad i understand why your hurting because i would be hurt if the love of my life killed our baby. But NAILA" He said pointing towards me with his free hand "has nothing to do with her parents decision. Now Dad i don't want to hurt you but if you don't let her go, the love of my life, i WILL hurt you. That's not a threat...that's a promise." He said with a blank expression on his face. Damien walk towards my dad and point a gun to his head. Looking at me he immediately says the worst thing ever

"She gets to make that decision son. Naila its either you walk away with my son OR you stay." He said smirking.

Scared to ask him this question i had to ask before making any decision "and the consequences to those choices are.....?"

"You walk away" he pushes the gun hard against his temple "he dies. But if you stay.... i will show mercy on his behalf."

Trying to make the right decision it's either i stay to save my father or i walk away knowing i just Killed my father. What can i do Think naila THINK.

"NAILA LEAVE, GET AWAY FROM THEM!" My dad shouts. Damien hits my dad across the face with the gun to shut him up.

"SHUT UP! Let her make her own Decision." Looking at me he asked "so what did you decide, Naila?" He takes his gun off of safety to scare me but i HAD to keep it together.

What did she decide?
Did her father die?
What Will Jacob do?

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