The Salvatore brothers

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Klaus' Pov- 

I woke up early and wiped the grogginess from my eyes and headed downstairs. For a while, I just painted until I noticed something was off. It was quiet. By now Kol and Rebekah would probably be arguing or I would hear Elle's feet pattering against the floor. I walk out of my studio and walk up to Rebekah's room. She laid on the bed sleeping soundly. Marcel said good morning to me and walked downstairs. Then I went to Caroline's room and she wasn't there. My heart began hammering. This couldn't be happening again. On her bed laid a piece of paper. I grabbed it pain filling my chest.

Dear Niklaus,

I know you probably weren't expecting this but this isn't about you. It's about Elliana. She deserves so much more in life than to just be stuck up in a home all day. I want her to live a beautiful life without as much pain as she will deal with if I stay with you. I know right now you aren't so bad but in the future what if I make you mad or one of your sibling or even Elle. I can't have you hurting her or myself. I had not intended for Elijah and Kol to leave too. But they did it on their own and they are not with me. Maybe one day we'll meet again when Elle's much older and you are better. I love you and your family dearly but I needed to do this. It's what's best for everybody involved. Tell Rebekah I love her and she is my best friend forever and always. Tell Marcel if he hurts her I will personally kill him and that I also care for him deeply. I love you Niklaus and one day we'll meet again. I only hope you change into the Niklaus I knew so long ago.

Love, Caroline.

I stared at the note in disbelieve. It couldn't be that she was leaving me once again. I stand up and wipe my tears away and flash to Rebekah's room. All I had left now was her and Marcel. What would I do without my brother? A knock came from the door and I hurried to it expecting to see Caroline but instead, Elijah stood there.

"Brother, I thought you were leaving," I whispered sadly.

"I was gonna leave you Niklaus until I realized you needed me. Even if you don't realize it or believe in it I can change you. The best way to start that is to be there for you." I look down ashamed but step closer to him and hug him.

"Do you think she'll come back," I ask him pulling back

"I'm sorry Niklaus." He says sorrowly which makes me know it's a no.

"Niklaus, where's Caroline and Kol?" Rebekah asks coming downstairs. I flash over to her and hug her as she falls to the floor at what I tell her.

Caroline's Pov-1860

The first place I could think of going was to find Lexi. She had moved around a lot but somehow I found her and she let me, Ruth, and Elliana stay with her. 

"Caroline is Elliana almost ready," Ruth yelled out.

"Yeah. We're coming down." I yell out turning back to Elle and smile picking her up. I can't believe she's already four. Time truly flies by. "Ready baby?" I ask her looking at her beautiful white gown.

                                                                          DRESS ^^^^^^

"YES," She giggles happily.

We walk down the stairs and Ruth and Lexi yell surprise. They had a cake and presents for her. Usually, only royals had this big of a birthday but to me, Elle is a royal.

"Thank you." She cries out hugging all of us. That day we played with Elle in awe of what an amazing little girl she indeed was.

"Elle come with me." She smiles running to me and grabbing hold of my hand.

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