a way to bring them back

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1 week later:
Damon's POV-

We all sit around the living room feeling extremely depressed. I hated it here more than anything. It was so dark and... sad. We all wore our black tuxes and dresses. Just an hour ago we had went to Alissa's funeral. It was unbearable to see Elle crying day and night. I saw that little girl grow up and now she's a grown up facing things I never hoped she would.

The door busts open and Jo and Alaric walk in holding one twin in their arms each.

"Where the hell is my brother?" She growls sitting the girls down.

"Hello munchkins." I say waving at the two girls as Hayley and Rebekah take them along with Hope to another room.

"What???." Everybody else all asks.

(Okay for context Kai was stuck in that world with Bonnie and Damon but when he got out he had truly changed and wanted a relationship with Jo after finding out she was pregnant and begging for her forgiveness. They got really close and he didn't kill Luke or anyone else.)

"My brother. I can feel that he's gone. It's like a piece of me is missing. He's my twin and we have a bond. Just... tell me is he gone?" She asks. I stand up laughing.

"Didn't he like kill a bunch of people in your family?" I ask while pouring Bourbon Klaus notice me and glares because I chose the expensive stuff.

"He's changed you and I both know it. So where is he? We were finally getting close." She cries out.

"Jo... he's alive but him, Caroline, Enzo, Ruth, and Stefan all got sent somewhere. We have no idea where though." Bonnie says always being compassionate to people who are hurting.

"And why aren't you all up doing anything?" She yells. We all look around at each other and they jump up grabbing books.

"Now that's more like it." She laughs out. She stayed for 2 months before she left to take the girls back to school and home to Mystic Falls.


1 year since Ruth, Enzo, Kai, Stefan, and Caroline's disappearances:
Klaus' POV:

"Just keep looking." Bonnie says scolding Kol. He just smirks slamming the book down and getting in her face. Her breathes quicken. I watch looking over a grimoire.

"I've looked everyday for the last year. We've found nothing. Who knows where she's at." He growls at her. She doesn't flinch and I smile. Finally someone who could bring my brothers ego down. She had been doing that for awhile now. I had actually learned to like her. I would protect her like family, though she probably hates me.

"She's my bestfriend and lets not act like you haven't complained everyday since she disappeared." She growls Kol's fists clench and I lean in interested. They happened to fight ALL the time and I enjoyed it every time. (Most of the time.)

"Let's not act like this isn't YOUR fault." Her face turns to shock and bright red.

"How is this MY fault?" She says pushing him.

"Your a witch for heavens sake and you can't find a spell to find Caroline, Ruth, Stefan, Enzo, or Kai." He groans going closer to her making her backup into a wall. They just stare into each others eyes for awhile angrily.

"Okay dad can you please stop flirting with Bonnie. I mean I don't care if you two date I ship it and all but I need to find mom. Its been a very hard and long year okay. So give us a break, both of you get together already, and STOP fighting." Elle says walking out of the room with a bunch of books. They share a look and quickly move away from each other I hold in a laugh. Kol walks out of the room glaring at Bonnie one last time.

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