Cora... visions

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WARNING: sensitive matters. But no description. If you cant handle this I completly understand. Thank you and I only wish to bring attention to these real life matters. I am not mocking or hating on addiction it is a serious thing.

My legs wabbled but I continued to run pushing through the pain in my legs and lungs. Ruth my bestfriend. The girl I love more than anything. More than Elena, Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, Katherine, Kai, Lexi even. The reason being she was always there for me. Through everything she stuck by my side. I love all my friends so much but god Ruth rose so high in my heart taking up a pick chunk of it.

And now she was giving birth to the baby we all long awaited. She was going to be a mother and she might die. I reached the door busting through it and falling forward. I cant even breath and my vision blurs from pain and tears.

"Caroline wheres Kol, Elijah, and Nik?" Kai asks.

"I ran as soon as I heard.(deep gasp) Elijah had a head start but I also passed him." I explain. Stefan and Rebekah rush inside.

"Shes not there." They gasp.

"Yeah shes right here." Kai says annoyed but smiling.

"Okay okay they're in that room." Kai says.

"My mothers also on her way." Rebekah gasps out still trying to catch her breath.

"Okay okay." I say and walk into the room. Ruth lays on the bed sweat dripping down her forhead.

"Oh honey." I cry out holding one of my oldest friends in my arms. I dont even care about the sweat as I push a kiss to her forhead.

"Caroline. I- I dont feel good." She moans.

"Thats because you havent had amazing original almost hybrid blood." I bite into my wrist. Almost all my vampire strengths were back besides lust for blood and running.

She gladly takes it and her veins come out as she hungrily bites tighter.

"Okay love." Enzo says slowly leaning her back into the bed.

My wound heals quickly.

"Caroline your gonna have to deliver it." Ruth says. I look at her terrified.


My mind flashes to the time I was a doctor. I used to deliver babies during the baby boom. I stopped on my 489th baby. I was a pro doctor the best they'd ever seen. I loved my job. I loved holding the babies in my hands before I gave them to their parents who held so much love in their eyes. Number 489 changed my life. His mother was alone. No father I had seen that many times less than you'd see today but it still happened. The mother was horrified and jumpy. I could tell she was hooked on some type of drug. Maybe herion or meth. Later on they confirmed it was both. But back to before we knew what drug it was. We were carful on what drugs to put her on to numb the pain. We did ones that wouldnt give her a high.

She was small. Very fragile. Her black hair and blue eyes were a beautiful mix. You could tell how beautiful she was before the addiction. I talked to her some but she just wanted the baby out of her. We began and I remember holding her hand as I coached her through the pain and delivered the baby. The baby boy had his mothers eyes. He was so tiny only 4 pounds. The mother only laid down not wanting to touch him. I compelled the whole hospital staff who was on her case to not tell anyone of the mothers obvious addiction or the babies condition. Just to keep an eye on them and protect them... save them. I didnt let the mother or baby be discharged for 4 months. During that time I helped the mother and the deathly shaky baby boy who she never named. The mom opened up a month in. Telling me her name. Though it may have been fake. Kaitlynn she had said it was. She said the baby was Henry. Like Henriks name which was odd. She was 22 and Henry was the product of Rape. She said she was out cold when it happened. She couldnt afford an abortion because she needed to feed her addiction. She hated Henry but I loved him. I was gonna adopt him from her raise him with Elle.

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