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Kol's POV:

I said goodbye to Elijah, Hayley, and Hope before they all left. Everything was quiet in the house and I just knew they were probably working on the spell. I hated every day being the same. It has been like this for the last year. And I could hardly bear it. My daughter was at least in New Orleans having fun with her "boyfriend". I hate thinking about it but Nik told me Jace was very good to Elle and I do trust my brother.

Nik has way to much stuff on his plate. He's balancing life between Mystic Falls and New Orleans. In Mystic Falls his full attention is on getting the others back. In New Orleans its keeping his kingdom in harmony, getting the different supernatural branches to trust him, the spell, training Elle and Jace, and helping Jace find his sister. It would be to much for anybody and even thought he's a wanker I feel bad for him.

"Hello." I say smiling at the phone screen.

"Hey dad. How's Mystic Falls?" Elle says enthusiastically.

"Well we made a move on with the spell and whats fully going on but Bonnie is laid up in bed for the time being."

"Oh my god is she okay?" Elles face shows deep sadness.

"She should be fine soon. Bonnie didn't want Vampire blood this time to heal her. She thought it would mess with her witchy ju ju. I think she's just being a bit dramatic." I smile at Bonnie who frowns at me on the bed. I did in a leather comfy chair in the corner of the room. "Anyways Freya did a spell on her and dearest Bonnie should be on the go again. Fighting crime saving the world nothing big." Elle smiles.

"Your in love." She says childishly. Bonnie begins laughing and I go sit beside her and hold her hand.

"What do you know about love kid. Your just a baby in my eyes." I jokingly say and Elle rolls her eyes.

"So what did you mean by saying saving the world?"

"Oh well that was just a joke but it does tie into the truth..." I tell Elle everything that I understood is happening and her face shows worry.

"I should come down and help. I'm powerful and-" I stop her.

"You can't Elle. One is that the Lockwood school would try to make you go there and two we already have enough helping hands. I rather you stay there... with Jace." I say with hopeful eyes that she isn't as stubborn as her mother.

We talked for a bit longer and she agreed to stay in New Orleans. I had to thank the lords she didn't have as much stubbornness as me and her mother.

I give Bonnie a kiss on the forehead goodbye and then get my plan is action. I give Elena the details then head out to get everything else set up.

Bonnie's POV:

"How you feeling Bon?" Elena asks me coming into the room.

"Great actually Freya is so powerful it only took a few hours for my massive headache and sore bones to subside." I say smiling.

"You and a few others are going out on a mission. Kol didn't give me a lot of information but he said you have to dress do impress. I think your all going undercover to some type of rich people party." Elena says and I hurry to get up.

"So he sent you to help me?" I ask and she nods. "Well let's get to it." I smile and turn towards my closet. I don't notice Elena send the text telling Kol she convinced me.

Elena spends the next hour getting my hair done and helping me find a dress. Which was after she made me shower and shave.

"Why do I have to look so good for a mission?" I question.

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