The wrong I do

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One week later-

I hear Niklaus and Elijah yelling at one another. I flash downstairs and grab their arms flashing them outside before they wake anyone else up.

"What has gotten into your heads," I growl.

"Caroline you have to stop him." Elijah pleads.

"What are you speaking of Elijah."

"He wants to kill her. He wants to kill Katerina." I gasp.

"Niklaus what are you thinking?" I whisper yell.

"WHY DOES IT MATTER? That's why we needed her in the first place. To complete the spell I need to drain her of her blood."

"Klaus you can't." I cry out.

"Brother please for once do this for me." Nik thinks a moment but dismisses it.

"I'm sorry to both of you. But after this, I can assure all of you are safe." I look at him rage burning through me.

"Do something for someone else for once." He glares at me.

"I do something for someone else? That's rich coming from you." He hisses.

"Through all the terrible things you've done, I stuck by you," I yell.

"WHY." He yells back.

"Because I-" I bite my tongue.

"SAY IT CAROLINE." He yells.

"Because I love you Nik." I look down surprised I even said it.

"Impossible. Why would you love a monster like me? You've said it yourself. I can't be loved Caroline there's no fixing ME." I look at him as he goes to leave.

"Caroline, Elijah, she's dying end of discussion." He wanders into the night.

"Caroline she can't die I love her." Elijah pleads to me.

"I know L'ijah. Go to sleep I'll handle it" He nods walking into the house. I inhale deeply and prepare to say goodbye to my family.


Klaus' POV-

I wake up to discuss everything with Caroline as I get ready I notice something. The atmosphere felt empty. It felt like all the light had been drained from the world. My mind wandered to Caroline. I flash to her room and all her stuff was packed up. One thing lays on her bed a piece of paper.

"NO NO NO," I screamed in my head. I fall to my knees next to the bed and unfold the note.


Dear, Mikaelsons

As you probably know me and Katerina are long gone. I couldn't see another person I care for die. I couldn't see the person I call my best friend hurt others when one day the faces of his victims will haunt his every thought.
The problem with me is I care too much. Some might laugh at me but caring does hurt you. It makes you feel for every person you come across. I love all of you deeply. Even though I had a different connection for Klaus I will never forget any of you. Who knows maybe one day we'll cross paths again. I wish you all the best with all the love in the world.

Caroline Forbes.

I cried as I held the paper tightly to my chest. My Caroline was gone. I flashed out of her room and went to yell at Elijah.

 I flashed out of her room and went to yell at Elijah

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