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Elena was getting ready for homecoming. She came into the kitchen. "How do I look?" She asked Adriana.

"Beautiful. Give me a spin." And so she did.

"Thank you Adriana." Elena smiles.

"You are so welcome." Adriana smiles back, proud.

"Did you win queen in your homecoming." Elenas curiosity took the best of her.

"Obviously." Adriana laughs.

"Okay I gotta go now, bye I love you!"
Elena shouted on her way out. "Bye, I love you too!" Adriana yells back.

Time skip: 2 hours

Adriana was now in the grill. She didn't have work today and all her friends were either with their significant other or at work. So here she was at the grill drinking a bourbon. "You look lonely." A recognisable voice said. It was the Klaus. He slid in the opposite side of  the booth she was in. "I'm not lonely." Adriana said and looked back down to her phone. "Well then don't you want to introduce me to all your friends." Klaus sarcastically jokes.

Adriana looked up at him, "Okay seriously what the hell do you want." Adriana said it as it was.

"Maybe I just need someone to talk to." It was true, he did. He just killed his father, he needed someone but Adriana didn't know that.

Adriana scoffed, "You killed my aunt Jenna, sacrificed my sister, took Stefan and you think I'm the one to talk to." Klaus was taken back by her outburst so he just sat there not knowing how to reply to that. Adriana got up and was about to walk away when Klaus grabbed her arm.

"Please?Just 5 minutes." He asks pleadingly.

"5 minutes." Is all Adriana said and sat back down. "So are you gonna tell me what happened." Adriana asks.

"My father just tried to kill me, but I ended up killing him." Klaus said.
"And I thought I had family problems." Adriana jokes and Klaus chuckled.

"Your sister is in love with two unstable vampires.  I'd say you do have family problems." Klaus jokes and Adriana giggled. "Hey, I didn't judge you." She said still laughing a little. He chuckled too. Her laugh was like music to his ears, he could listen to it all day.

She looked at him and smiled, and at that moment he knew he was in trouble. She made it clear to talk for 5 minutes but as they talked time flew by and it was getting very late. "It's getting late and I don't have my car with me, I should go." Adriana gets up.

"I'll walk you." He gestures to follow him. Adriana looked at him strangely.

"You don't know what could be lurking in the shadows at night." Klaus smirked, teasingly.

Oh I have an idea." They both smiled at each other.

"Come on." They both left the grill with his hand resting on her lower back. Adriana shivered slightly, she had forgot to bring a coat with her and the weather got colder since she left her home. Klaus noticed this so he stopped, took off his leather jacket , and put it around her. Adriana looked at him for a while and smiled "Thank you." She smiles at the generosity.

"You're welcome."he smiled back at her. They talked as they were walking.

Walking up the steps of her porch and stopping in front of her door she turned to Klaus. She thanked him and he was about to walk when she remembered that she still had his leather jacket on. "Oh you forgot your.."  She was about to take it off but he cut her off. "Keep it, it looks good on you."Klaus left. She smiled before entering her home.

She showered, did her normal routine and jumped into bed, smiling thinking about him. Maybe he's not so awful she thought and fell asleep.

Klaus tried to carry on his day. But Adriana consumed his mind. Her smiles were like magic her eyes are a glimpse of heaven, he thought. It was all new to him, from a stranger to someone he couldn't stop thinking about.

He fell asleep thinking of her smile and she fell asleep thinking of  the way he made her smile.

The next day

Elena is on the phone, leaving a message for Jeremy. Damon is shooting darts. Adriana took the phone from her sister
"Jeremy, the minute that you get this call me!!" She yelled into the phone.
She hangs up. Damon gets a bulls-eye.
"Esto es muy frustrante!!" Adriana said in Spanish. 
(Translation: This is so frustrating)
"You are feisty when you are mad." Damon flirted. Nothing new.
"It's not that I'm mad. I'm just-I'm worried." Adriana said.
"But why? He lost his job at the Grill. He can survive, Anna." Damon said to calm her down.
"He is spiraling. Ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he is moody, he is not really talking to anyone." Elena said. "It's typical teenager." Damon said.
"Who's seeing ghosts and has lost everyone that he cares about." Adriana said.
"Not everyone. He still has you." Damon said to Adriana. Elena shifted, she was jealous of their friendship. It was no secret Damon was in love with both the Gilbert's but only one of them loved (romantically) him back.
Damon shoots a dart. He goes to the dartboard and retrieves his darts.

"You okay?" Adriana asked.
"What makes you think I'm not okay?" Damon asked the Latina.
"Well, you're daydrunk. It's not exactly your most attractive look." Adriana said.
"Hmm- what is my most attractive look?" Damon moves closer towards her.

"I'm not saying you have any attractive looks. I'm saying this is my least favorite one..." Adriana said.
"Noted. See if I can make any improvements." Damon said.
"Don't mind me." Klaus said calmly although he didn't enjoy Damon being close to her.
"Klaus." Elena said.
"You gonna do this in the Grill? In front of everyone? It's a little beneath you, don't you think?" Damon said.
"I don't know what you are talking about. I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate." Klaus said. The jogger that followed Elena shows up behind him.

"Get a round in, would you Tony" Klaus smiles, seeing that Elena is shocked.
"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour." Damon said. "My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out." Klaus said.
"Cute blonde bombshell, psycho. Shouldn't be too hard to find." Damon said. "Truth is I've grown to rather like your little town. Think I might fancy a home here. Oh I imagine you're wondering how does this is affect you. The answer is: not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word." Klaus said.

"What more could you possibly want?"

"Well for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan." Klaus said.
"Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass." Damon said.
"Well you see that is a shame."
Klaus throws a dart and gets a bulls-eye. "Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine.'
"That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem." Elena said.
Klaus moves toward Elena Damon steps in between them. Klaus smirks.

"Ha. Well this is me broadening the scope, sweetheart." Klaus said. He winked at Adriana before leaving the grill.

Adriana, Elena, Jeremy, Alaric and Tyler were having dinner. Things got heated so Tyler left. Jeremy got a call from Klaus telling him to walk in the middle of the road and so he did. When he stepped outside onto the road a car came at full speed aiming to run him over but Adriana pushed him out he way and was hit. The hybrid drove back to Klaus's mansion smiling in triumph.

"Tony? I hope you were successful." Klaus said as he walked through the front door. "I hit Adriana but you know, same message." The hybrid smiled proudly. Klaus looked at him in pure anger before smacking his head straight off.

Adriana was fine. Damon fed her his blood, she was all good. She knew Klaus sent the hybrid to kill her brother. She thought he was worthy but she was wrong. She thought he wasn't all bad but he proved her wrong. She now knew what he was was capable of and she feared him.

Adriana was in her way to the hospital to do her shift. Even if she was just ran over, her family protested against it but she really was fine. She parked her car in the hospital parking area, hopped out and shut the door but when she turned back round Klaus was standing in front of her. "Klaus." She breathed out. "Adriana.." he went to put his hand on her shoulder but she flinched. She was afraid of him, the one person he didn't want to hurt feared him because of the decisions he made. "Let me start of by saying I never meant to hurt you." He said .
"I know. You meant to kill my brother instead. Stay away from my family Klaus." And She walked away from him.

Faith Gilbert- K.MWhere stories live. Discover now