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Faith held Rose closer to her, "a.. I'm pregnant?"

Klaus looks puzzled, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his face paling a little.

Faith was by his side these past few weeks, there was no way she could've slept with another man; he would've smelt them on her.

That was his child.

"How can this be?" He asks himself.

"Dont you see, Klaus?" Faith smiles brightly, gently placing her free hand in his. "Its a miracle."

Her smile made him smile, it always did.

"A miracle." Klaus repeats, he laughs. Snow floated around them, Klaus brought his girl closer and kissed her passionately.

- - -

17 years later

"Today we have a pop quiz." The teacher announces as she starts handing out the papers.

The class fills groans and sighs.

"Oh no it's the pop quiz we have every Thursday, I'm so caught off guard." Rose turns in her seat seeing Hope laugh at her sarcastic comment.

"Guess who's copying off you again." Zayn smirks from the desk on Rose's left.

"No I swear to God, I will tell mom." Rose warns.

"And I'll tell mom it was you that cut lizzie's hair in 5th grade." Zayn warns.

"You wouldn't." She squints her eyes.

"Oh, I would."

"Fine." She rolls her eyes, sitting in her chair the normal way.

"Wierdos." Jade shakes her head, laughing at her siblings.

"Hello, Mikaelsons! Focus." The teacher says, sternly.

"Not if its you we're focusing on." Rose says sassily, the clause erupts in laughter.

"Principles office." The teacher states, pointing to the door, like she does every lesson.

A/n this flashforward doesn't mean they'll be triplets, I might change my mind later on, also the names arent permanent, I'll probably be changing those too.

Who's your favourite baby Mikaelson?

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