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A/N Sorry but I've decided to change the plot, Faith is pregnant with twins not triplets ❤

Faith, Betty and Elijah had quite the adventure the last few days. He tried to kill Betty whilst hallucinating Klaus but a werewolf named Eve helped them. She also told her Marcel cursed and slaughtered her family. Meanwhile Klaus was ranting to his therapist, Camille.

Klaus is dictating his memoirs in the study while he drinks bourbon from a tumbler. As he speaks, Cami transcribes him on a typewriter

"They have all forsaken me. My siblings are as deceitful in disease just as my parents ever were. Accusing me of using my baby for my own gain, trusting others before their own blood."

"Would a laptop kill you?" Cami sighs tired and frustratedly.

"That typewriter was good enough for Hemingway."

"I see the resemblance. Booze and random acts of violence. "

"Elijah and Rebekah have cut to the quick with their vicious lies about me. And all I've done is tried to win this battle of wills over Marcel's control of the Quarter in order to reclaim our home. The only one who has stayed true to me is Faitb." He looks at Cami, who has stopped working. "Type, please!" He says.

"What's the point? You just repeat the same thing over and over again. You're in love with Faith. Rebekah's out to get you. Elijah's out to get you. Is there anyone who isn't plotting your downfall? I doubt you trust your own reflection." Camille said, stating the obvious. Klaus was taken back by her saying he was in love with Faith, but he quickly returned to his 'dangerous' face.

"You know, if the daggers weren't missing, I would put one in each of their hearts. Rid myself of the burden of my siblings for a couple of centuries."

"Look at you! Repeating the same destructive cycles over and over again. You are the architect of your own unhappiness!"

"I don't remember asking for your advice."

"Oh, really? So, of all the people in New Orleans, you choose someone with a masters in psychology to record your life story. You're over a thousand years old. Pretty damn sure you know how to type. The truth is, you compelled me to come here because you have no one else to talk to, and you can't go to Faith since she's out in the bayou. You want to be understood. Then, you compel me to forget everything as soon as I leave your presence because you are too scared to trust."

"I'm scared of nothing." Klaus picks up a sheet of paper on the desk next to Cami and examines it. It has an elaborate circular symbol written on it

"What is this?"

"It's an ancient mystical plot I'm using to destroy you." Klaus looks at her, clearly annoyed, and she rolls her eyes. "Relax, it's a tattoo design."

"Draw on your own time."

"This is my time. You steal it from me!" Cami angrily packs up her things and storms out of the room.

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