Dangerous Woman

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"Girls club forever!"

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"Girls club forever!"


aith ♡

I've tried to stay out of the all the mischief happening in New Orleans right now, which is quite frankly very hard as I am the main subject.

I've been followed by 3 Vampires which Rebekah killed, normally I'd be against death but at this point I'm immune to it.

Ever since I've  associated myself with the Mikalesons I feel like I've stopped caring so much, 'it is what it is' is what I've just been telling myself recently.

I'm not sure what it is but something about Niklaus Mikaelson makes me feel like a dangerous woman.

So many things have happened during my stay at New Orleans, I've officially adopted Rose for one.

Rebekah helped me out with a little convincing trick and I've got all the paperwork sorted out, she's mine, forever and I've never been more happy.

"So my precious angel, what are we going to do today." I hold her in my right arm as I walk down the freakishly long, white stairs.

"Oh, Betty?" I see the Blonde stood in the doorway, Klaus was holding the door open. He's probably confused as to who she is and what she wants, hes probably traumatized her too.

"Let her in, Klaus." I say once I've reached the bottom step, he sighs and complies.

We greet eachother in a friendly hug, she gushes over the little girl in my arms and I laugh.

"So Um- who is this?" Klaus asks, his eyebrows raised. They always are.

"My assistant, Betty. Where's Elijah?"

I'm out of the loop and I love it that way, I know Elijah is free and safe and that's all.

"Out to see Davina." He replies.

I furrow my eyebrows at the sound of a loud frustrated groan and I follow the noise to find out what it is, Betty trails behind me.

The sight of Rebekah scrubbing blood of a Persian white rug catches our attention.

"You dont seem shocked." I take note in Betty's facial expression.

"Elijah's told me everything, down from hybrids to ... werewolves. I know everything."

"Who even are you?" Rebekah asks, standing up, she places a gentle kiss on the baby's head then looks at Betty, we follow her into the kitchen where she washes her hands and they we go back into the study.

"Betty, its nice to meet you. I'm Faith's manager and Elijah's-"

"Ah I see. Well I'm glad to have more girls around, gets rid of that ugly masculinity in the air, am I right?"

"One hundred percent." I laugh.

"Girls club forever!" She touches Rose's sweet softly, her eyes filled with such admiration, I almost tear up at the sight.

For someone as motherly and kind as Rebekah it's such a shame she cant have one of these.

"What'd you think Rose is going to be like as a teenager?" I ask, sitting down on the sofa. The two follow.

"I feel like shes gonna be a trouble maker." Rebekah laughs, " I can see ht in her eyes."

"Yeah, but shes gonna be super smart, and all the boys will be curhsing on her." Betty joins in on the laughter.

"Klaus is not gonna like that." I laugh with them.

God the Mikaelson boys are so boring, girls really do rock.

"He'll have to deal with it, this baby is so beautiful." Rebekah says, playing with the curls on Rose's head.

"She is, isn't she?" I smile.


And .... I'll end it there. Hehe until next time!

I really like these chapters where they arent focused on the plot too much. We've all watched the Originals we all know whats happened!


I cant wait till Freya and Keelin are added to the girls club and so many others ahhh! Girls rock, the Nikaelson boys have nothing on the Mikaelson girls Haha!

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