Heartbeats ♡

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"This care ride is making me dizzy." Faith states, leaning back in the passenger seat.

She looks back, seeing little rose asleep in her baby car seat, before looking at Klaus.

"Please don't throw up again, love?" Klaus groans.

"Sorry, I've always felt ill during car rides."

"Its not your fault, come on we're here." He parks the car infront of a bar on bourbon street.

"We really taking a baby into a bar?" Faith raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, I have someone I need to see." Klaus states.

Faith un-buckles Rose, taking her out the car and placing her little body on her chest, she covers her with a pink blanket. She shuts the door and turns to Klaus, he watched her for a moment.

Shee was such a natural, the baby was definitely giving him some sort of baby fever and he couldn't help but feel upset, he'd never be able to give that to Faith.

Klaus held.the door open for his girls, and Faith walked into the bar, her hands keeping Rose close to her chest, the blanket covering Rose's whole body. She could feel Rose's little breaths on her and it made her heart beat fast.

Klaus followed her in. The bar was silent, though who'd be at a bar at 2pm?

A petite blonde stood at the bar, wiping down the area and a brown haired girl watched the two closely as they came into the building.

"Hello." She greets the two with a warm smile, Faith repositions Rose so shes in her arms and not on her chest, her face was now visible to the public.

The blonde visibly awes at the child.

"Shes adorable, what's her name? Oh sorry that's nosy, I just love babies." She laughs and Faith's joins her, Klaus stayed unamused, it was only when he saw Faith's smile that he grinned a little.

"Her name is Rose." Faith Smiles widely.

"Oh how precious." She gushes.

"What are we here for?" Faith asks Klaus.

"Hes not here, it doesn't matter. Thank you... Camille." Klaus nods in appreciation, she got Faith to smile after a long ride of throwing up and frowning.

"No problem, bye. Bye, cutie."

"Bye, Camille." Faith says and the three leave the bar.

"What's this old lady's name?" Klaus asks for the 12th time today. The two stood infront of her home; it was a beautiful home, a big garden, white fence and a lovely house painted in white.

"I told you, her name is Julia."

"Right, Julia."

The two knock on the door and wait, Faith holds onto Rose. This'll be the last time she'll see her.

"Is anyone in there? Listen for something." Faith tells him.

Klaus looks down to the ground, concentrating. He listens for a heart beat.

one heartbeat is Faith's,

one is Rose's, and theres one other..

His eyes widen, turning to Faith, he then averts his eye down to her stomach.

"You're pregnant."

Faith Gilbert- K.MWhere stories live. Discover now