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[ longest chapter ever! Please vote and comm

3rd PoV

"Faith. I actually wanted to show you something. Follow me." He said and lead her into a room. Faith wasn't sure what he was proposing but followed him nonetheless.

The room had paintings on the walls and sketches laying on the desks.

"This is one of my passions , art." He said smiling at her, hoping to have impressed his girl.

"Wow, these are really good." Faith said looking through the sketches on the desk, until she spotted an unfinished painting of her. She walked up and examined it before showing it to him.

Klaus looked completely embarrassed, his face reddened and he failed to get a sentence

"You painted me?" She asked him smiling up amusedly, her eyebrows raised a little.

"Your face is just too beautiful for me to forget." Klaus said, smirking. It was her turn to be embarrassed thought to himself.

A little blush rose on her cheeks and butterflies erupted in her stomach but she kept it hidden well. She put the canvas back down gently, to where it was, smiling as she did.

"Why do you paint? Is it just a hobby?" She asks curiously, as if she really did want to get to know him.

"I find that, art is the only way to run away without leaving home." Klaus said, taking steps until he was right in front of the woman.

"What are you running from." She asked him, her dark black eyes staring into his ocean blue ones.

"Reality." He breathed out.

"Knowing that nobody really cares." Klaus said, unsure why he was able to be so open with her.

"I care." The beauty in front of him said. He reached up and caressed her right cheek with his hand, his eyes still looking into hers. Slowly he leaned in and placed a soft gentle kiss on her lips.

Reacting quickly, Faith wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair as the kiss deepened.

Klaus backed her up against a wall gently, because she is indeed pregnant with his child.

His hands roamed her body, even the touch of her skin could arouse him, she had no idea the power she held over him.

Not breaking the kiss, she tugged on the bottom of his shirt. Getting the message Klaus took off his shirt, Faith runs her hands over his chest in adoration.

Klaus then helped Faith take off her shirt, she had a little bump barely recognisable.

Klaus stood there for a moment looking at her. Before he smashed his lips onto hers again, her hands curled and locked themselves, in his hair fisting and tugging. "Jump." He whispered in her ear. Doing as she told she wrapped her legs around his waist and he vamped them both to his bedroom.


He placed her down on the bed and hovered over her. She sits up, leaning on her elbows, and connected her lips with his again. After kissing for a while, his mouth moved from her mouth to her right cheek. His wet tongue moves from her cheek and circled a special sensitive area behind her ear, causing her to moan in pleasure and jolt her back up so it was arching. He smirked against her ear, obviously enjoying the control he had over her body. His hands slid down to her waist and he unzipped her skirt, leaving her in her underwear. He resorted back to leaving butterfly kisses down her neck, when he felt her tug at his belt. He took his trousers(or pants/ I'm from the UK) off and threw them on the floor next to where he threw the skirt she was wearing.

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