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You've been warned.

He pushes me onto my bed, it was quite obvious Klaus was a dominant kind of man.

Crawling on top of me, I tug on his shirt, he rips it off, throwing it across the room. "Sorry love, I have some anger I need release." He whispers against my lips before we're caught up in another make out session.

"You're not the only one." I sit my back up against my headboard, slowly lifting my shirt in a teasing manner, impatiently Klaus rips it apart. I'm now left in my bra and Pants.

His eyes focused on my almost naked body. Using his vampire speed he was naked in less than a second. I let my hands explore, feeling his abs, then his length.

He was big.

My bra was off, along with my pants and underwear. He took his time, kissing down my neck to my boobs, and all the way down to my entrance. I felt his tongue tease my clit, a moan escaping my mouth as he sticks a finger in.

"You ready?" He asks as he positions himself, his penis inline with my vagina. I nod and mumble a quick yes, he inserts inside of me. Groans and profanities leaving his mouth as pleasure fills our bodies.

No man has ever made me feel like this.

A/n I felt extremely uncomfortable writing this so here ya goo!! Was it even good lmao?

Faith Gilbert- K.MWhere stories live. Discover now