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"Why are you so happy?" Damon askss as the Latina happily made her way to his sitting room

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"Why are you so happy?" Damon askss as the Latina happily made her way to his sitting room.

"She finally got some dick!" Caroline yells from the other couch. Faiths eyes open widely, "wait you actually did?" She laughs, intrigued.

Damon felt his heart stop.

"Maybe." She mumbles, her cheeks going red. Caroline stares her down, a shocked expression on her face.

"Oh it's not like I was a virgin! So stop staring." She states.

"Sorry it's just, you're so innocent I can't even Ima- wait who with?" She asks, mischeviously.

Damon scowls leaving the room, not wanting to hear.

"Just a one nighter." She lies. Lying was getting easier and easier for her.

"Was it good?"


"Oh come on, was it?"

"I mean- yeah." She'd he lying if she said klaus weren't good in bed.

"When was this?"

"Yesterday... and this morning." Faith laughs, leaning back in the couch.

"Damn it was that good, huh?" She laughs and Faith nods.

"I also discovered something. You see this mark on my shoulder?" Caroline nods.

"Originally I thought it was a birthmark but ... it's not. I'm an untriggered werewolf." Faith sighs, triggering that side to her would be unbelievably painful.

"Woah." Caroline sighs, shocked. Again.

"I know, I don't know what to do ", I wish I didn't know but I'm also glad I do know. Damn my life is messed up." Faith laughs, sadly.

"You own practically half of New York, your life should be fabulous." Caroline states, playing with faiths hair.

"What do you mean?"

"I think you should take a trip there and be Bossy Faith, I miss her." Caroline and Faith laugh at the memory.

"I think that'd help." Faith thought about if she should tell Klaus, she was sure he had a thing for the bossy, 'dark' side of her.

Maybe he could tag along...

A/n should Klaus go with Faith to New York? I think it'd be interesting, what about you?

Faith Gilbert- K.MWhere stories live. Discover now