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Faith returned back to the penthouse, a blonde on her right. The blonde was a worker of hers, one of her assistants to be specific.

"Nikaus!" She says in a singing matter,  Betty following after her. Betty's a very sweet, innocent young girl and Faith intended to keep her that way.

She walks into the baby room that Klaus had recently set up, there he was.

He was snoring on the loveseat, baby Rose in his arms. The sight was something she'd keep in her memories forever.

Klaus vowed to never touch 'the thing' yet here he was curled up on a sofa with the baby clinging onto him for fear life.

"That's adorable," Faith almost laughs, so touched.

"It really is," Betty smiles, she'd never seen her boss look at someone like that.

"Couldn't agree more," They hear another voice from behind them.

Turning around they're met with Elijah, "jesus Elijah you cant just pop up," she sighs, pressing a hand to her heart.

"I apologise," he says, his eyes fixated on the girl beside Faith. He took a minute to appreciate her godly features, blue eyes, blond hair and good radiating off of her body.

Elijah definitely had a type for good & innocent girls, he admired them

Betty felt slightly intimidated by his stare, "Betty can you wait in the car please?" Faith asks, handing her the keys.

"Sure," and so she did, taking the keys with a 'thank you' she then walked towards the door to leave, Elijah's gaze still on her.

• • •

"I was just wondering what kind of trouble my brother was getting into in New York," Elijah explains. They were now in the kitchen.

"None, actually. He helped me catch a drug lord, sent him to jail. He's done more good than bad," Faith almost felt offended for him, how could his own brother think so low of him?

"I'm impressed, you've got him cradling a baby." Elijah almost laughs at the thought.

Although he couldn't of been happier, hes tried for a thousand years to get Klaus in touch with his human side he knew was still there and after finally giving up, Faith comes in his life for a few months and had him wrapped around her finger so easily.

That's what love did to him.

'We saved her," Faith smiles.

"And what are you planning to do with this child?" He asks.

"We're still figuring That out, what's the rush?"

A/n two updates in one day, better be thankful Haha!

Howd you ike this twist in plot??

What do you think of Betty? Do you like her?

Do we want there to be a Hayley in this book?

Do we want there to be a Hayley in this book?

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