A Mystery

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Finn and Kol were both dead. Faith felt saddened by this and she could only think about how bad Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah felt. However, Elijah and Rebekah went behind her back and kidnapped Elena, Rebekah had even attempted to kill Elena. The two were snakes and she wanted to stay away from them. Right now she was in her office, in a big building in mystic falls. "I asked for this to be done two weeks ago, Nina!" She didn't like yelling but if it's an over privileged teen she would, The 19 year was a shirker thinking she could get away with anything  because her father made a few bucks.

faith's PoV

"My father is the CEO of Gram Co." She says not knowing I owned the whole business.
"Because I put him in that position and I can just as easily take it away." I say annoyed. "Leave." I day and the uneducated imbecile leaves. It's easy to say I was having a bad day.

"Wow. It's hot when you boss people around." I heard a familiar voice, looking up from my desk I see Klaus leaning against the door frame. "Leave. I'm busy." I state pointing towards the door. "Oh but i brought donuts." He lifted the paper bag up.
"Maybe you could stay for a little bit." I smiled, he hands the bag over to me and makes himself comfortable on my sofa. "I still can not believe you're a Lodge. All this money and you choose to stay here?" He didn't understand why she'd want to stay in a place like this. "It's my home klaus, no where else I'd rather be." I smiled.

"Oh so you wouldn't die to go to New York." He wondered.
"That's where my parents died." I told him. He didn't realise, however he didn't apologise, he assumed she was sick of apologies by now.

"What about New Orleans?" He asked, the name sparked an interest in me. "That's where my parents were born and raised. That's where I was born." I told him. He seemed surprised.

"You. Are a mystery, Faith Lodge."

Faith Gilbert- K.MWhere stories live. Discover now