Dinner and Revenge/ Mikaelson Ball.

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Just do you don't get confused my character is having a name change. Her name from now on will be: Faith

"The deal sounds fair, brother." Elijah agreed with the woman he had admired since he stepped foot in mystic falls. Faith was like a breath of fresh air. "I don't think you understand. Elena's doppelgänger blood insures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. I will never leave her behind." Klaus gets up and starts to pace. "And you're crazy to think I will let you leave this with my sister." Faith stood up too, glaring daggers at him. "Do you think you can stop me." Klaus looked highly amused, whereas Stefan, Damon and Elijah knew what this woman was capable of. "I know people who can." Faith threatened and Klaus backed down. One thing he learned over the years was to never piss off a Lodge.

"Let's say I do leave her here, under your protection, what then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her, and that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is...the two of you." Klaus turns the conversation to the boys. Damon gives a weak smile, then looks at Stefan. "I'm gonna get some air." Damon gets up.
"Let me deal with this."Elijah gets up and follows Damon, leaving Klaus, Faith and Stefan alone.

"All this talk has made me thirsty." Klaus looks at one of the servants and she walks over to him. "What do you say Stefan? Can I interest you in a little after-dinner drink?"
Klaus bites her neck and drinks her blood. Faith was shocked to say the least, she had never seen this side of him and it terrified her. Klaus heard her heartbeat speed up. "I'm going to go follow Damon." Faith said before hurrying out of the room. Klaus watched the door for a while before turning back to Stefan.

Walking into one of the rooms Faith found Rebekah. "Rebekah." She looked surprised to see her. "Faith. You look lovely."
"Thank you. I didn't know you was.. I just thought.."
"Yes the bastard daggered me also." Rebekah rolled her eyes anxious for revenge. "Oh I'm sorry." Faith looked at the blonde sadly.
"You are." Rebekah was took back that a human would even care for a monster like her. "Your kindness is a gift, Faith. Carry it with you always." Rebekah looked at the (physically) older woman and walked off . "And forever." Rebekah mumbled the last bit to herself as she went to rejoin her brothers.

Faith left the mansion. Every bit of her brain kept telling her people are not evil.. the world is not evil.. something makes them bad. Maybe for Klaus it was just his Paranoia, or fear. Or maybe she was wrong and some people are just.. evil. She had to find out, she has to know him before she judges who he is as a person.

The next morning Faith woke up, did her normal daily routine. She had just gotten back from a run, opening her front door she notices an envelope on the floor with her name written on it, she picks it up, it is an invitation to 'the Mikaelson ball' she turned over the card and written in neat handwringing said.
I'll pick you up at 7, my love. Fondly Klaus.
Faith smiled and took the letter upstairs with her, placed it on her desk and took a shower.
She came out the shower with a towel wrapped around her body and noticed a small squares blue box on her bed. She must have not seen it, walking over to it she picked it up. She opened the box to reveal two diamond earrings.

She honestly could have bought this herself but she thought it was very generous of ... picking up the letter which was beside the box she realised it was from Klaus. She smiled a little before going out to buy a ball gown.

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