The Reckoning

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(That is her outfit.)

It was around 11 am when Adriana was getting ready to go to her shift at the hospital, she heard a knock on her door.

Startled, started walking to the door; she opened it.

Standing in-front of her was the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. His dirty blond curly locks, and his ocean blue eyes, god he was handsome.

"Hi, can I help you?"She asks suspiciously. He was handsome, not trustworthy.

"I believe so. I'm looking for your sister, Elena. I'm a friend of hers." He says, in his smooth English accent only making him that much more charming.

"Oh she left a few hours ago actually." She lets him know.

"Do you have any idea where." He asked smiling at the beautiful woman stand before him. To him she was beyond gorgeous, her dark hair, her black eyes. The Latina intrigued him.

"No, I'm sorry." She lied. She wasn't going to tell a stranger where her sister was especially if she knows what sort of creatures lurked around here.

"Oh, well thank you anyways." He turned around and left.

Adriana shut the door, and immediately dialled a number.

"Hey sexy doc." She hears
through the phone.

"Damon, now is not the time for flirting, okay. A man came looking for Elena,he said he was her friend." She tells the disobedient told the vampire.

. "Are you okay." He asked worried for one of the only friends he's ever had.

"Yeah he left."  She smiles at his concern.

"Look Anna, you just go to your shift. It's probably nothing." He shrugs. He knew she'd be ready to go to work every week day at this specific time.

"Yeah you're right. I'll talk to you later Damon." She relaxes.

"See ya later sexy doc." He ends the call. Adrianna rolls her eyes. Never gonna happen Damon Salvawhore.

Adriana's PoV

It was now 7pm and I was just leaving the hospital when I saw Damon carrying Elena. She looked completely drained, my heart stopped at the sight of her.

"Damon! Oh my god what happened." My hands  start to shake.

"Klaus happened. The man you saw today, that was him." Damon sighs.
"Is he still here?" I ask, fearfully.

"No." Damon says, calming me down a little. I somewhat trusted Damon.

It was a few hours later and Elena was safe and asleep in her bedroom. Damon was coming down the stairs. "Hey." Damon greets me, coming closer towards me.

"Hey. You know she's asleep you don't have to stay she's safe."'I let him know.

"It's not her I'm worried about." Admits.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"I just got off the phone with Stefan.
Klaus wants him to keep an eye on Elena since he needs her blood and all. Which I get..."

"Damon spit it out." I cut him off.

"He also told stefan to keep an eye on you." Damon sighs.

"Why? I only said like two words to him." I'm confused.

"Anna you have no idea the effect you have on people."Damon stares into my eyes. I clear my throat to cut the tension, failing in doing so.

"So uh you should probably get home. Do you want me to drive you?" I ask.

"Uh Yeah, yeah that'll be great." He followed me out to my Mercedes.

I parked in his driveway and followed him into the Salvatore home, since he asked if I wanted to chill at his place for a while. Not long after we arrived a blonde came barging in. "He left me here! He actually left me here." She yelled. Damon and I shared a look.

3rd PoV

"Not to be rude. But, who the hell are you?" Adriana asks.

"My names Rebekah. Klaus's sister and I'm going to stay here for a while." She said her english accent annoying Adrianna just a tad.

"Oh hell to the n..." Damon got cut off by Adriana.

"I'm Adriana, it's nice to meet you." She smiles, Damon rolls his eyes. This girl had the ability to befriend anyone and everyone.

"Oh you're that adriana Klaus kept going on about. He's right you are beautiful." Rebekah smiles at the woman standing in front of her.

"Oh well that's so sweet of you to say. I've got to go it is getting late." She gave Damon a friendly kiss on the cheek and bids her goodbyes.

Damon watched as she walked away not even noticing Rebekah was still in the room he was just so captivated by her.

"Dude, you are so whipped." Rebekah laughs, leaving to find a guest room.

Damon thought to himself,
was he? I mean sure he would do everything for her but... damn I am whipped Damon thought to himself before grabbing a glass of bourbon and sitting down.


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