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"Are we seriously getting this stupid, baby?" Klaus grumbles as we break into the house

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"Are we seriously getting this stupid, baby?" Klaus grumbles as we break into the house

"Yes, we are Niklaus," he smiles hearing her say his full name.

"Why do you want to help everyone all the time?" Although he loved her sweet side it annoyed him at times.

They make their way up the stairs of the grand home.

"I care too much, it's kind of a problem."

The conversation is stopped once they hear the cries of a baby. Klaus' heart almost stopped at the sound.

"That's her," faith whispers, following the noise into a small nursery room.

"Hello, love." Klaus smiles, sweetly.

The baby was small, only two months out the womb.

"How could someone leave a baby alone for this long?" Faith picks her up gently in her arms, her eyes watering as Rose looks up at her; curiosity and hope filling the baby's big brown eyes.

Klaus watches the two from Faith's right, they looked almost related with their dark hair and big eyes.

He felt almost sad he couldn't give Faith that.

Quickly shaking off the feeling the two hear cars pull up.

"Hold on to her tightly," Faith does exactly that, Klaus then grabs her and vamps the two back to Faith's office.

■ ■ ■
Faith's Pov

I had a few employers fetch baby equipment for rose, I had her changed, bathed and fed in less than two hours.

She looked so content, her little head sleeping on my chest and all that could he hear were her quiet snores.

"So like... when we giving her back?" Klaus asks after a moment of silence.

"Klaus!" Faith whisper yells.

"Not back to them, I mean to a good family." He rationalises.

"I don't know if I want to give her away." She sighs.

"Great that's two weaknesses I now have," Klaus sighs, his heart racing at the thought of anything happening to Faith, but on top of that he had to protect Rose so he wouldn't have to witness Faith upset.

Maybe that wasnt the only reason he felt the need to protect Rose.

"If anything we make you more powerful, I know things even you dont about this world. Despite you wondering the planet for a thousand years..."

Rose (baby Elle mcbroom)


Is my book as expected as u thought itd be

I uploaded this today for a lil birdy so thank her Haha!

Do u think Faith will ever get pregnant lol

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