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Three Weeks later

Ethan's POV
Things between me and Emma have been the way sense we first met. We both kind of like each other well I think she likes me and I still get butterflies in my stomach every time I see her or hear her voice. But I haven't told her my feelings yet because I'm scared of our fans but tonight I think I'm going to.

Two weeks ago me and gray uploaded a video to our fans saying how if you truly are our fans then you will support us and whatever decisions we make and you aren't going to be rude towards our friends. We just talked about how we need privacy and our own lives just like them. And I did most the talking soooo they probably all suspected it was about Emma and honestly the fans took it well which me and gray were worried about and I almost saw the hate disappear on Emma's videos and pictures. So things have been good lately and I think it's time I tell her how I feel.

Emma's POV
Okay I really like Ethan. Like a lot every time I see him I feel like a fan girl and just get so excited just like the first time I heard I was meeting him. I'm still stupidly nervous around him and it's almost been a month and I'm to much of a pussy to tell him how I feel. He was a lot more flirtier when we first met and he kinda stopped. I think it's cause the fans but he posted a video and honestly it seemed to work and they started to respect me a lot more. Made my life 10x better.

I've been sitting in my apartment all day bored as fuck editing this lame ass video I'm probably gonna end up deleting anyway. Then my phone buzzed and I smiled when I saw it was Ethan.

Ethan❤️: hey Emma

Emma: hey Ethan

Ethan❤️: wyd?

Emma: bored as fuckkk lol

Ethan❤️: what do you say we go get food tonight?

Emma: sounds great with gray and James too?

Ethan❤️: I was thinking just me and you if that's okay?

Emma: yeah that's great!

Ethan❤️: alright cool, I'll pick you up at 8.

Emma: cya then
Holy shit. Is this a date? Nah chill lol just getting food with a friend Emma nothing more. But if it was just getting food with a friend why couldn't James and gray come? No I'm overthinking it. I called James to tell him and all he did was make me more worried by saying "DONT FUCK THIS UP KITTY GIRL GOOD LUCK LOVE YOU K GTG NOW BYE" should I dress nice? He didn't say where we were going.

I dressed pretty casual with leggings and cropped shirt and shoes he bought me for a video about a week ago. I put on concealer, foundation, mascara, and let my hair down. I tried to look semi nice. I get a text from Ethan saying he's here.

I grab my phone look at myself in the mirror take a deep breath and say "Emma don't fuck this up." Holy shit I'm such a dork lol. I walk out and saw Ethan brought his motorcycle kinda scary but also kinda fun. He gets off of it and hands me a helmet.

"You look pretty." He says looking me up and down.

"You don't look so bad yourself Dolan" I say laughing.

He gets on his motorcycle and tells me to get on behind him. I wrap my arms around his waste and rest my head on his shoulder while the cool breeze brushes against our faces. We arrived at a super nice reasturant about 15 minutes later. Everything on the menu was so expensive so I went with the cheapest salad they had.

"Your lame" he says after I told my waiter what I wanted.

"She also wants lobster please."


"Yep, waters fine."

The waiter then walks away.

"What the hell was that for? A fucking lobster who's gonna eat that I'm vegetarian. Oh and it's fucking $80"

"We are not going to go to fancy restaurant and your gonna get a salad lame ass and plus I've always wanted to try lobster" he laughs.

God he has the cutest fucking laugh and the hottest smile. I think I was staring at his lips while he was talking because he says "up here Chambie." And I blush.

Dinner was amazing and he pays for it all which I insisted he didn't because technically this wasn't a date. I don't think it was. At least. After dinner he says he says that he wants to take me one more place.

We arrived at a peaceful park and he grabs a blanket which was in the back compartment of his motorcycle and lays it down on the grass.

"Look at the stars." He says as he lays down on the blanket. I lay down next to him and got close because It was chilly outside.

"They are beautiful. Never find peaceful spots like this in LA." I laughed.

We sat there in silence but it wasn't awkward silence more like peaceful silence. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. He looked at me and I looked at him and we both smiled. I wasn't thinking about anything else all my worries seemed to disappear and I felt safe with him. Then he said something I've been waiting for him to say forever.

A/n hope you guys like this story for the few readers I have. This chapter was longer and I only wrote it because I have school off tomorrow for a snow day! Anyway hope you guys like the story. Also I know this fan fiction moves slower I kind of like that vibe more. That sounded stupid lol sorry but yeah hope you like the story!

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