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I roll over to my nightstand to check my phone. Fuck that's right I don't have a phone. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Holy shit I look like a mess. I then look down at my wrist to see it bruised badly. My whole hand was pretty much purple. I get in the shower and turn the hot water to the point where I can barley stand it. When I get out and dry off I look in the mirror where you can still tell I had a mental break down.

I walk out of my room expecting Grayson to be working out or making breakfast but the house was silent. I walk into the kitchen and check the time on the microwave. 7:30 am. Shit it's early I'm surprised I'm up. I decide to go see if Grayson is in his room so I open his door slowly to see an empty bed. That's weird I'm sure he's just grocery shopping or something. 7:30 is a little early though.

I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit down at the table. All I could think about was last night being the worst night of my life. I finish my cereal and grab my car keys. I get in my car and head to the apple store to get a new phone. I'm guessing they will be open the place is about 45 minutes away so I mean it will probably be 9 when I get there.

Luckily they opened at 8 so it wasn't a problem. I simply just buy the newest phone which was the one I already had and got out of there in 10 minutes. I still have my SIM card from my other phone so I didn't have to worry about losing everything and shit.

I got home and set up my phone ASAP to see a text from gray.

Gray: Hey Ethan, I'm going to Emma's.
3:00 am.

Oh, so that's where he was. Emma's. Fuck I couldn't get my mind off of her and what she said to me.

I loved her and I'm so fucking stupid. I need to see her and talk to her. This is fucking me up mentally and I know this hurts her more then it hurts me. I know what it feels like to be cheated on and it fucking sucks. I need her to understand I made a dumbass mistake that will never I mean ever happen again. I don't know what I can do though to prove to her it was all just a fucking mistake.

I need emma in my life. I need to fix the shit I started. I just need to own up to my fucking mistake and go talk to her and stop being a pussy. Tonight.

That's when Grayson walked in.

"Hey gra-" I say before he cuts me off.

"We need to talk right now." He says sternly.

"Yeah I know." I say back.

He walks to the couch and sits down so he's facing me while I stand up and stare down at my feet.

"Your hand looks terrible." He says.

"Yeah, I know. It's fine though it doesn't hurt to bad." I say looking up from my feet.

"Well, I went to Emma's last night around like 3" he said.

"Yeah I saw the text." I reply taking out my new phone.

"She loves you ethan." He says which surprised me.

"I love her so fucking much too gray." I say needing to get it off of my chest.

"She just doesn't know how she can forgive you. She told me she really wants you to just come over and say sorry and comfort her and then other times she just thinks you don't care about her and you fucking destroyed her." He says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies.

"Well I do care about her gray. I need her in my life I love her it was just a fuck up." I say chocking on my words.

"She cried almost all night over you E" He says almost as if he's trying to make me feel bad. Which I already do.

"I did too." I say honestly.

"She said what hurt the most is how you held thar girl and how you did that to her. How you kissed her back and never told her." He says annoying me now.

"Gray, I fucking know. I fucked up. I'm going to her house tonight and apologizing." I say to him.

"She needs you now." He says.

"She's probably sleeping or som-" I say before he cut me off.

"When I got up she was staring at the ceiling just like how she looked when I fell asleep. She said she didn't go to bed. She needs you now. Sleeping or not she's mentally and emotionally  fucked right now." He says looking me dead in the eyes.

I turn around and grab the keys off the counter.

"Thanks gray, Bye." I say closing the door behind me.

I was on my way to Emma's and decided to stop and get her a coffee, roses, and a stuffed bear. It was pretty cheesy but I mean I didn't fucking care all I was concerned about was how she felt.

I arrive at her house super nervous for some reason. Like back in high school when I used to go up for a presentation. I fucking hated that.

I knock on the door holding all her gifts. No answer after a minute. I knock again still no answer. I sat there staring at the door for probably 5 minutes just replaying the whole night over again in my head. I decide to just leave the gifts at her door step and head back to my car.

I check my phone and saw that Emma tweeted 2 minutes ago.

"Sad boi hour😓 boys suck lol"

James retweeting it a minute later.

I looked at the reply's which were all about me. I'm surprised she tweeted this to be honest she likes to keep her mental health private. 

Fuck it. I decide to reply with "look outside ur door"

I then pull away and head back home. I was going to her house tonight and standing at her door till she answered. Or letting myself in even though I didn't want to have to do that. I couldn't take it anymore not being able to see her and knowing I'm the reasons she feels like shit.


Emma's POV

Someone was at my door but I decided not to answer. I knew it was one of my friends but I honestly couldn't talk to anyone right now. I decide to go on my phone after just staring at the ceiling thinking about everything. I make the stupid choice to tweet and right after the knock on my door. Within two minutes of the tweet Ethan reply's "look outside ur door"

Fuck Ethan was here. Was he still standing at my door he knocked like 10 minutes ago? I don't want to talk to him right now. I simply don't have the energy. Part of me wishes we could just lay on the bed and cuddle and another part of me wants to fucking stab him in the heart.

I decide to wait about 10 more minutes before I go to the door and peek out the window just to make sure Ethan wasn't standing there. I open it up to see coffee, roses, and a bear set on the ground. He's so goddamn cheesy. I pick up the stuff and put it on the table. I don't need gifts I need him. But I don't want him.

I stare at the stuff for a minute before it started to make me cry again. Fuck I'm emotional. I still can't believe he cheated on me. Every time I think I need and want him the video just replays in my head.

I put the coffee in the fridge next to Grayson's and take the roses and throw them in the garbage. Not because I didn't want them but because they made me cry. I decide to leave the bear and head up to my bed where I shove my face in my pillow and sob. I've been awake longer then 24 hours crying most of it. I honestly didn't think anyone could cry this much. Every time I thought I wanted to be alone I wanted someone by my side. Every time I wanted Ethan here I thought of the video.

No Emma. You need Ethan. You love Ethan.

With that I finally fell asleep at 12pm.

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