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Emma's POV:

"Wake up babyyyy" I say shaking Ethan's arms lightly.

"Happy birthday." I say when I see his eyes open.

"Thanks." He says a smile forming on his face.

"I can't believe your nineteen your like an old guy now." I say kissing his lips.

"Today's going to be fun." I say kissing him again.

I go to stand up when Ethan pulls be back down on the couch again.

"A couple more minutes." He says staring at my lips.

"Fine." I say as he smashes his lips against mine.

We finally head upstairs where we see Cameron and Mrs. Dolan fixing breakfast.

"Happy birthday Ethan!" Mrs. Dolan says while hugging Ethan.

"Happy birthday bro." Cameron says as she takes a waffle from the toaster a puts it on a plate.

We take a seat around the table and all put waffles on our plates.

"To bad Grayson isn't here to tell me how gross this is." Ethan says as he puts chocolate and strawberry syrup on his waffles.

We all laugh and make small talk while we eat.

"I was thinking Ethan you can take emma to where we always go to celebrate you and Grayson's birthday then we can all go out to dinner tonight and come back home for presents and cake!" Mrs. Dolan says.

"Yeah good idea." Ethan says with a mouthful of waffles.

"We should call Grayson." Cameron then says.

"Good idea." I say.

Cameron pulls out her phone to call Grayson. She puts it on speaker and places it in the middle of the table.

After a couple rings Grayson picks up.

"Hey cam-" Grayson says before we interrupt.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Grayson! Happy birthday to you!" We all sing into the phone.

Ellie and Grayson then do the same to ethan making us all laugh.

"We wish you were here! We miss you!" Mrs. Dolan then says.

"Miss you too!" Grayson replies.

We all each say a couple more words and wish him happy birthday one more time before we end the call.

"I can't believe you guys are both 19! I remember your first birthday like it was yesterday!" Mrs. Dolan says as she clears her plate.

I get up and grab me and Ethan's plate and walk to the kitchen to help Mrs. Dolan put them away.

I finish helping Mrs. Dolan with the dishes and head back into the kitchen to see Ethan smiling at his phone.

I walk behind Ethan to see him looking at the Instagram picture of us I posted and a long ass birthday paragraph.

"Thanks babe." He says lifting his head up to look at me.

"Happy birthday." I say placing a quick kiss on his lips.

"Alright well ready to go? The place opens in 20 minutes." Ethan says.

"Yep!" I say excitedly.

"Okay mom me and Emma are gonna go I'll see you later!" Ethan says.

"Alright have fun! Be home by 5 for dinner!" She says.

We head to the car and start driving.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

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