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Ethan's POV:

Fuck. I just messed up my fucking life so much holy shit. I wish I could just wake up and have this all be a fucking dream. I loved emma and I didn't mean for her to feel this way. I should have just told her instead of hiding it. I honestly didn't mean to kiss that girl I was just stupid and fucked up. Grayson didn't have to fucking tell Emma though. That was my place not his.

I walk in the door heated at Grayson.

"Grayson?" I ask slamming the door shut behind me.

"GRAYSON?" I yell louder walking towards his room.

I push the door open as it hits the wall behind it.

"Dude what the fuck?" He asks.

"You know what the fuck. That was my fucking place to tell emma not yours." I say annoyed.

"Dude what the fuck you honestly were just being a douche bag towards her treating her like shit? I couldn't see her like that." He said putting his phone down.

"Okay well I was going to fucking tell her." I say.

"When? When Ethan because all me and James could see is her feeling like she did something. She loves you e and you fucking destroyed her." He says.

"I FUCKING LOVE HER TOO! I STILL DO! I just... i just fucked up." I say shakily.

"Yeah. You fucked up big time. Did you try saying sorry?" He asked.

"Of fucking course I tried saying sorry but I kissed another girl she wasn't going to just be fine. I love her Grayson. I want her back." I tell him honestly.

"Well tell her that." He says.

"She told me to leave and said we are done." I said.

"She loves you." He said back.

"I don't know what to fucking do." I said running my hands through my hair and walking out of his room.

God I didn't know how much I loved Emma till I lost her. I'm a dumbass and lost the one girl that made me so happy. I don't know what to do. I would go over to her apartment but I know she will just scream at me and tell me to leave. God I don't know what to do.

I lay on my bed staring at my ceiling thinking about the whole thing over again. Emma bringing up Meredith and telling me to leave. Saying we are done. God I couldn't take it anymore I needed to talk to her so I called her. It rang for 30 seconds and then it ended.

I then got so pissed off at myself I threw my phone at my wall as hard as I could and then punched my wall exactly where I threw my phone. I instantly regretted it after it felt like I just shattered every bone in my in my wrist and arm. I looked at my phone that was completely destroyed.

I can't fucking do this right now. I laid on my bed face in my pillow crying while I was holding my probably broken hand. I love her. Words can't explain how I feel.

Emmas POV:

I don't know how long it's been. I've been staring at my ceiling crying for probably 2 hours. Someone called me but I couldn't talk to anyone feeling like this. I loved Ethan. But he crushed me. I don't know how I could forgive him. Apart of me was just hoping he would come over and run up the stairs with a teddy bear and roses and give me hugs and kisses. But another part of me just kept coming back to the fact he made out with another girl and having me find out by a video Grayson took.

Every time I thought about it, all I did was cry harder. I couldn't stay like this. But I did. I lie awake until 3:00 am before my phone started ringing. I check to see who it was half hoping it would be Ethan. Instead it was Grayson. I was almost relived and decided to pick it up.

"Hey Grayson." I say putting it on speaker and laying my phone next to my head.

"Hey Emma, you Okay?" He asked.

It was nice of him to check up on me. I know he knew how I felt. Or at-least close to what I felt. The only person that really knew who I felt was Ethan.

"To be honest gray. No. I'm not okay." I say honestly.

"Want me to come over? Talk about it?" He asked.

"That would be great. Thanks. You don't have to th-"

"I'll be over in 20" he says ending the call.

As much as I wanted to be alone Grayson was probably the only person I could vent too and break down in-front of. I know he cared and would listen. I was glad he was coming over.

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