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Ethan's POV:

I wake up from the sunlight shining into my eyes from the small windows in the basement. I check my phone to see the time was 8:00 am. Good it was still early me and Emma had a long day ahead of ourselves.

I stared at emma for a moment I know it was kinda creepy but she was just so goddamn beautiful.

"Good morning baby." I say kissing her forehead.

"Gooodmorning babe." She says opening her eyes.

"Wow you don't call me babe often." I say with a smirk.

"Sorry I said babe? I ment bitch." She says.

She then kisses my lips as a hold her tight.

"Come on I have a lot to show you today!" I say pulling away from her.

She kisses me again before we head upstairs. I change my clothes and so does emma and we head back downstairs to the kitchen. My mom wasn't awake yet which was surprising because she always gets up early.

"Okay come on first I'm taking you to a breakfast place." I say grabbing my keys.

We get in the car and right away we blast music. The breakfast place was only 3 minutes away but we still had a good time screaming the lyrics to Rex Orange County Best friend.

"Me Grayson and our friend Devin would come here so much during the summer. We always woke up super early like crack of dawn to go fishing because apparently that's when the fish were out then we would always skateboard here." I say.

We walk inside and sit in a booth near a window. There were only a couple other people here and I remember this place used to always be buzzing.

A waiter comes and greets us and I order for Emma.

"Yeah she would like the the strawberry donut pancakes." I say before Emma could even respond.

"And for you?" The waiter ask turning to me.

"Nothing that will be it thank you." I say.

"Sounds good!" She says grabbing the menus.

"Strawberry donut pancakes what the fuck?" She says laughing.

"No they are actually really good." I say.

We talk for awhile before the waiter comes back out with the pancakes. She sets them in the middle and I take a bite.

"See amazing." I say with a mouthful of strawberry and chocolate syrup pancakes.

"Fine." She says shoving her fork into the pancakes.

"Holy shit kinda good." She says after she finishes chewing.

"Told ya. I would get this thing every other day." I say.

"Never got sick of it?" She asks.

"Nope never will." I say with a smile.

After breakfast I leave a generous tip and we head back to the car.

"Are you a good ice skater?" I say with a smirk.

"Uh I haven't ice skated sense middle school." She says.

"Well we are going ice skating." I say.

I know she was going to expect me to take her to like a public ice skating rink where we hold hands and be all basic and shit but I was gonna take her to the lake behind my house that we can four wheel too that hopefully was frozen.

I honestly wasn't much of an ice skater myself me and Grayson went ice skating a couple times but mostly we snowboarded when we were younger.

We arrive back home and I tell my mom we were going ice skating. I grab my ice skates from my closet as Emma stands behind me.

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