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Emma's POV

I was crying and hugging Ellie good bye before she was about the board her flight the twins behind us watching.

"Ughhh I'm going to miss you so damn much. Why can't you stay longer." I asked her. This just made her cry harder. She's never cried this hard and I know it was because of Grayson.

I then pulled away so Grayson could give her a hug.

"Bye Ellie I'll miss you." He said.

"I-I-I'll miss you too gray." She said hugging him tighter. He wiped the tears off her face and then kissed her. Me and e looked at each other smiles widened across our faces.

"I'll come visit soon I promise." Gray said reassuring her.


The car ride home was silent. I knew what gray felt having to leave Ellie. I didn't want to bring her up because last time I did that he seemed annoyed. Ethan can cheer him up later.

We arrived at my apartment where Ethan got out of the car to kiss me goodbye.

"Bye e." I said separating from him my hand dragging across his arm till his finger tips.

"Bye Emma, love you."

"Love you too."


I was laying in bed editing a video when I decided I would go out and get dinner. It was only 7pm being Ellie's flight at 6pm. I drive to a small diner about 10 minutes away. I order a grilled cheese and water instead of coffee. I'm trying to limit my coffee intake but knowing me I'll just make one at home whoops lol. I decided to bring my computer and edit here for awhile. But things went downhill. I go to use the restroom which was a one person bathroom. I then hear knocking on the door.

"Occupied" I said.

The knocking then turned into banging. I quickly wash my hands not drying them off. Right when I opened the door a hand was shoved over my mouth. I was pushed back against the tile wall the person closing the door and locking it.

"Hey Emma. Your now going to do what I asked you to do junior year. Remember?"

Holy fucking shit. I knew who it was. My ex. Fuck fuck fuck. Right when he removed his hand from my mouth I screamed hel- to be cut off by his hand slamming into my face banging my head back against the wall. I knew I was helpless tears streaming down my face. I tried shaking my head but nothing worked. He wouldn't get off of me. He then started to touch all over my body. His hand leaving my mouth again and I screamed one last time. This time he slapped me so hard across the face and slammed my head back against the tile once more.

"Emma don't fucking make a noise again or it'll be worse."

He then started to take off my shirt. When I tried to push him away he grabbed my wrist so tightly I thought he was going to break them.

"The longer you try and refuse me, the longer and more painful this will be Emma."

After about 15 minutes of him sexually abusing me he stopped. Tears were running down my face I was trying to be silent.

"You tell anyone about this Emma and I mean anyone I will come back and it will be worse. Oh and your boyfriend will get hurt too. So this is just between me and you beautiful."

With that he left the bathroom. I was sitting there crying from the pain and what he said. I was so fucking scared. I was shaking and couldn't believe what just happened. I get up and look at myself in the mirror. My cheek were red, lightly bleeding and bruises around my wrist. I look at the wall where there was blood to and felt the back of my head which was also bleeding.

Shit. I needed to go to the hospital but I was scared after what he said. So I made the mistake of grabbing a couple paper towels and heading home.

The emotional pain got to me more then the physical pain. I lay in my bed for awhile ice pack on my face and towel wrapped on the back of my head. I was still shaking and crying from what happened. I laid in my bed for I thought was only a couple minutes but was a couple hours just staring at my ceiling crying. I need Ethan with me right now.


Ethan POV

I was woken up from my sleep by a phone call. It was emma. I check the time to see it was 2:00 am.

"Hey Emma?"

All I heard was sobbs on the other end. I hang up get out of my bed as fast as I can and get in the car. Shit she was probably having another breakdown and needed me. I texted gray where I was going so he didn't wonder in the morning. I knocked on Emma's door but she wouldn't answer. Luckily I knew the code to it. I walked inside all the lights were off except for a lamp upstairs by her bed.

"Emma?" I say walking up the stairs. I then start to hear crying.

"HOLY SHIT. EMMA." I ran over to her hugging her the tightest I ever have.

"Emma you need to go to a hospital right now."

"N-n-no." She replied.

"Emma yes."

"N-NO" She said louder.

"J-j-just h-hold me"

I lifted her up in her bed and held her for about 20 minutes until she finally settled down. Her crying and seeing her in pain made me cry. I don't think I ever cried In front of her before but I did know. She finally pulled apart from me.

"I-I'm sorry." She said.

"No don't be sorry emma you have nothing to be sorry about."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes. I'm hot though." She replied.

"You look terrible. I'm going to get you a new ice pack." I say grabbing the melted one off of her pillow. I turn on her fan and take the covers off of her because of how much she was sweating. I grab ice and run back up the stairs. I hold it against her cheek when I then see the towel behind her head.

"Shit Emma we need to go to the hospital." I say grabbing the bloody towel from behind her and flipping it over to press on her head.

"The bleeding stoped it was just a small cut." She said back.

I laid her head up against the back of her bed so she was sitting. I still had the ice pack pressed up against her cheek.

"I'm so fucking hot." She said. She takes off her shirt where I see scratches on her chest and lower back.

"Emma this is serious. You need to go somewhere."

"Ethan and I'm serious we fucking can't." She said staring to cry again noticing the scratches herself. I remove the ice pack and hold her again. It was almost if I could feel her pain.


She was still sweating so I get up and turn the A/C on higher. I was freezing but I didn't care. I went to go get emma a cold glass of water and then started rubbing my hands on her back.

"Are you ready to tell me what happened?" I asked softly.

"Tomorrow. I'm tired. Just lay here with me for awhile."

"Sure." I said wrapping my arms around her. She started to cry softly.

"Your safe emma. I'm here. I promise nothing is going to happen you are safe now." I pulled her tighter and kissed her forehead. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing someone did this to her. I lay awake rubbing her bare arms. Emma hurting hurt me. I loved her so fucking much I can't believe I let this happen. It was all my fault. I never felt a worse feeling then this I was scared and didn't know what to do.

A/N this chapter was really different! Idk if I like itttt let me know if you guys do:)

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