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a/n don't be scared to ask for an update, it helps me not to forget about it lmao. I'm not sure if this chapter makes much sense to be honest.. it's 5am. Here's some art I did because I'm a fucking furry fag.

Rin blinked at the device in front of him, watching an O slowly reveal itself.
He continued to stare at the device on the counter as he pulled up his jeans, zipping and buttoning them up swiftly.
"This is bullshit." He mumbled grumpily, grabbing the device roughly and leaving the bathroom.
"Is this what you needed?" Rin dropped the device onto the counter with a 'done' look, hopefully portraying the message that he was tired and wanted to sleep.
It was odd, how tired he had been since leaving Assiah.
The silver haired male nodded, picking up the device with a gloved hand before his eyes flicked to Mephisto and back to the device.
"An omega." The boy looked to Mephisto, something of a smirk on his face.
"I had my suspicions of that." Mephisto sighed, refusing to look at the other two in the room.
"So Rin, I've been told that you lived in Assiah your entire life?" Rin nodded, leaning on his hand.
Demons are so nosy, so annoying.
"Don't get annoyed, I'm just curious." The nurse puffed out his cheeks with a pout before continuing.
"Since you haven't been in Gehenna, you don't know much of demons, except how to kill us. Our love I suppose you would call it, is much more complicated than that of the humans." Rin raised an eyebrow at him, his own interest catching him by surprise.
"What do you mean? Why did the device say that I'm an omega?" Rin asked the questions swirling around his mind, in much simpler terms.
"This may be a lot to take in." Rin sighed, wanting to rip his hair out at how long the guy was taking to explain things.
"Just explain, Epta. If he can't take it in, it's his fault." Mephisto grumbled from next to Rin, fingers itching to feel the omegas fluffy locks. Mephisto vaguely wondered why the confirmation of Rin's dynamic caused this reaction.
"Fine, fine. Rin, you're an omega. There are three different dynamics in our society. The betas, the alphas, and finally, the omegas. We'll start with alphas, since you should be careful of them." Rin gulped, suddenly intimidated.
"An alpha is the most dominating dynamic in this world, female alphas are few and far between though. So if you're straight, good luck. Alphas initiate courting, which I suppose you would call dating, to try and find the right mate, a compatible companion. I'll talk about mating later. Alphas are strong, their scents are easily distinguishable, as is an omegas, and they are urged to protect and dominate by instinct. Mephisto is an alpha, our receptionist is an alpha. Understand?" Mephisto clacked his teeth, looking away, and Rin's eyebrows furrowed.
This all sounded so primal.
"Now, Betas are the least of your worries, most of the time. They have little to no scent, and usually pair with other betas, unless a strong bond with an alpha is present, and very rarely do you see them with omegas. They're not that strong, they don't have much instinct, I suppose they're the most human like of the dynamics." The nurse looked into Rin's eyes, as if trying to steal the poor teens soul.
"Omegas should pose no threat to you, unless you get too close to their mate, in which case they are a big threat. Don't get close to a mated omega without permission, it's a stupid thing to do. Omegas are weak, are rarely male, and seek protection and affection. We're seen as precious to alphas, and will be sought after, perhaps even after mating. We crave physical affection, interaction, and a comforting place to live, a comforting scent. We need these to stay happy, as omegas are most likely to develop depression without being properly cared for. We are essential to society, as omegas carry pups- err.. children." Rin gasped, eyes widening as he stood.
"No way! I can't carry a fucking kid in my arms let alone my fucking body!" Rin yelped, fear filling him.
An omega?

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