☆ 30 ☆

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As carefully, and gently, as he could, Amaimon slowly slipped away from Rin.
And once he was away, he threw the blanket on top of the omega, knowing he would get chilly.
And off he went to investigate, out the door and down the hallway.
He'd forgotten to scent Rin before leaving..
Amaimon stopped in his tracks, staring at his brother with the most 'done' look he could muster.
"What are you even doing? That's a wall, you don't even look cool." Amaimon sighed, taking in the mess that was currently his older brother.
"It's Yukio! It's Yu.." His brother had no chance to continue, as Amaimon had already moved to cover his brothers mouth.
He glared dangerously, "Wake up Rin and it won't be anyone.... Now continue, but quietly." He removed his hand from where it had covered the elders lips.
"Y-Yukio, he's.. Yukio's my mate.. but he's a beta, I can tell." Mephisto whispered, and Amaimon hummed.
He'd expected as much.
"Have you talked to him about it?" Amaimon asked, suddenly the master.
"No... he's still in the hospital after all. I'd rather talk about it with him privately. Can I use you and Rin as an example when I'm explaining?" The question caught the green haired alpha by surprise, and he blinked at his brother, a few seconds of silence passing before he narrowed his eyes.
"Sure, but if I have an angry four eyes outside our door I will not be happy." Mephisto smiled widely at Amaimon, who rolled his eyes in return.
"I need to get back to Rin, don't piss me off. I hate Assiah enough already." Amaimon snapped, before taking his leave.
Amaimon walked back into the dorm room to see the tip of Rin's tail disappear into the bathroom.
"Oi Rin, what are you doing?" Amaimon called, his pace slowing as he walked towards the bathroom.
"My teeth felt a bit weird, so I'm having a look. Where'd you go before?" Amaimon leaned on the doorframe, chuckling as Rin opened his mouth wide, looking at his teeth in the mirror with curiosity sparkling in his sapphire eyes.
"I heard a noise so I went to see what it was. Your canines are probably just growing a bit, wouldn't worry about it." Amaimon chuckled a little, Rin turning back to face him with a confused look.
"Why would they grow?" Rin asked, head tilting and tail moving to form a question mark-like shape.
"Well, after I give you my mark by biting you, you bite me here to claim me as yours too, so it's equal." Amaimon pointed to his scent gland, running his tongue along his own canines when he was done thinking. "Mine grew in when I was young, it doesn't hurt."
"Well.. That's good I suppose." Rin's eyes were fixed on the spot Amaimon had pointed at, and the alpha blinked at him.
"Oh. Did you need something earlier? Like when you came back?" The blue orbs finally moved away from the alphas scent gland after a few minutes, to blink up at him.
"Yeah... I was just going to ask when your friends were coming over." Amaimon replied.
"Oh, they're coming over for dinner at eight, Ukobach is still here and they love his food so... may as well butter them up." Rin grinned, and Amaimon smiled back.
"Why are we still in the bathroom?"
"I'm not. I'm in the doorway."
"Oh shut up, let's go cuddle."

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