☆ 20 ☆

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i apologise for all the drama in recent chapters -w-

"Are you lost hun?" Rin gasped, looking up to the tall omega. A child sat on his hip, looking to him curiously.
"I-I.." Rin gulped, nodding due to his loss of words, "I'm sorry, I must look hideous." He laughed nervously, hoping his dried tears weren't noticeable.
"Oh honey, you look far from it, just a bad day?" A hand was extended to Rin, and Rin took it with a small smile.
Once Rin was up, the omegan male pursed his lips.
"I'm Gemini by the way, and this is little Atkis." He smiled at Rin, bouncing the small girl on his hip.
Rin took in the taller males icy white hair and amber eyes, marvelling at the beauty of the blazing orbs. Atkis had strawberry blonde hair cut into a bob, and her eyes were a deep chocolate brown.
Nothing like Gemini..
"Nice to meet you, I'm Rin." They began to walk, this and Rin finally noticed his surroundings.
A children's park, adults and children going about their day, even a few edgy teens lingering on the swing set.
"So what happened Rin? It's not often I come across a balling omega in the park." Gemini asked, smiling as he set Atkis down. Atkis ran to another child, hugging them closely.
"That's her true mate." Gemini looked proud.
"I-I don't know how I got here. But a man who's supposed to look after me started yelling at me, and his scent got really strong. I could barely move it was scary." Rin sighed, throwing himself down on the bench. Gemini sat down next to him with grace.
"An alpha tried to force you to submit, huh? Sounds like a coupling problem." Gemini frowned at him, "Is the man your mate?"
Rin waved his hands in front of him, "No no, far from that. Actually.. I was wondering. What is a true mate?" Rin smiled awkwardly at the shocked look he received.
"A true mate... is identified by scent, I suppose, there's a pull, as soon as you smell them. You were made for your true mate, and they for you. True mates have the strongest bonds, not everyone has one." Gemini rocked himself forward, a smile finding its way onto his face.
"But... what if someone says I'm theirs... but I feel it with someone else?" Rin's heart thudded in his chest, worry grasping his mind.
"Then they are confused, your scent must be similar to their true mate that they haven't found yet." Gemini's voice was soft and he placed a hand on Rin's thigh.
"I know it can be hard sometimes..." Gemini flinched away from Rin as he flung himself off of the bench.
The white haired boy watched with wide eyes as Rin looked around with twitchy movements.
Amaimon is here. The voice returned, begging to be near Amaimon. Though, I couldn't pinpoint the scent and continued to look around.
Stronger. Stronger. The scent got stronger and stronger until-
Rin was engulfed in a hug, surrounded by the scent that made him feel warm inside, and he was shocked at the soft, almost unhearable purring that left his chest. He felt Kuro against his leg, but his mind was too preoccupied.
"My! Amaimon King of Earth!" Gemini gasped, standing with comically wide eyes to stare at the embracing couple.
"Why would you disappear like that? I was- I was so worried Rin..." Amaimon's voice rumbled, and Rin simply whined in response, nuzzling further into the embrace.

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