☆ 39 ☆

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"One green tea latte please." Shiemi smiled sweetly as she ordered her drink, before swiftly paying for it. Rin proceeded to place his order, Shiemi moving to watch her drink being made.
He'd ordered a hot chocolate, feeling a bit cold despite his grey turtleneck, scarf and fluffy black jacket.
He looked odd next to Shiemi, who wore a cute pink tartan pinafore dress with a long white shirt and an oversized light grey cardigan that settled just above the black knee high socks she wore to combat the cold.
Once they had their drinks, they moved to sit next to a window, Rin immediately looking out of the steamed up window. Though, all he could see were blurry shapes, so he turned back to Shiemi with a smile.
She smiled back warmly, placing her mug back down with a hum.
"Yum! They do such nice drinks here. Are there any cafes in Gehenna?" Shiemi inquired with a look of interest, and Rin made a noise of thought.
He'd been brought drinks from places by Amaimon, but he'd never been to one..
"I think so, I didn't go anywhere though. My health hasn't been great since presenting." Rin vaguely touched on what he had been taking medication for, knowing Shiemi had seen him take some a few days ago.
"Oh, you presented, it makes more sense that Amaimon called you his omega now that I know that. Did it hurt?" Shiemi grinned at him, before taking another sip of her latte.
"Mm not really, I was on a lot of painkillers and blockers though so I wasn't very coherent to remember much." Rin frowned, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
It was a little bitter for his new tastes, having gotten used to sweet things since being with Amaimon.
"Sounds rough, Amaimon took care of you though, right?" Shiemi frowned back at him, and Rin gulped.
"Err.. not exactly. I was with Mephisto, I didn't even know about Amaimon at the time." Rin smirked, remembering when he and Amaimon met in the store.
"That's a bit weird, didn't see Mephisto as the caring type." Shiemi giggled, and Rin's grows pinched together, smirk widening.
"And Amaimon is?" He snorted, and Shiemi laughed loudly.
"Nah, neither of them give off a good first impression." She laughed, and Rin smiled.
He'd missed Shiemi.
"Excuse me- It's Rin right?" Both of their eyes moved to the man, Shiemis laughter coming to a stop.
The puke yellow eyes stirred his memory just like the scent of an alpha and the dull brown hair did.
Rin tensed, air leaving his lungs.
He was without protection, without his mate and Beelzebub had made an appearance.
He blinked at the alpha, moving back towards the wall in his seat without thinking.
"Y-Yeah, what's up?" He chuckled nervously, trying not to freak out Shiemi.

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