☆ 7 ☆

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raccoons are precious o k

"Mephisto, where are we going?" Rin whined, not appreciating how Mephisto held Rin by his waist, ensuring the young demon was close to him.
"Just the store.. you need a few things, blankets and such." Mephisto answered, gesturing to a building that they approached with his free hand.
"I already have blankets.. should I be hiding my tail like you?" Rin asked with uncertainty lacing his voice, unsure of whether his evolved tail would fit under his clothing..
"Don't you remember what Epta said? You don't need to, you're an omega, no one would dare hurt you. And yes, but you need more blankets." Silence fell over the two once more, and as the building neared, Rin could make out the name of the store.
Omega needs
The name made Rin raise an eyebrow, hardly thinking it was very marketing friendly, though he was proven wrong as they entered.
Omegas were everywhere, some even with alphas attached to them at the hip. Rin's mind swam at a scent he felt he should recognise, and he shook his head, focusing on an alpha with a child resting on his hip.
Once his brain was functioning once more, Rin glanced at Mephisto, who was already looking at him.
"Are you alright?" Rin nodded, and they made their way further in.
"I have to go get some medication and such, will you be alright alone?" Mephisto's eyes bore into Rin, who quickly nodded.
"Don't wander off."
Rin's hands gripped the shopping cart somewhat harshly, watching Mephisto walk away, it didn't feel correct.
Leaving the shopping cart for a second, Rin walked toward a blanket anxiously.
Being alone made him feel helpless and vulnerable.
He didn't like it.
His fingertips brushed against the moss green fabric, and Rin was surprised to find it was actually very soft, despite its woollen appearance.
"Need help?" Rin flinched, staggering back from the blanket to look at whoever had startled him.
That scent again..
He blinked at what seemed to be an alpha, his hair almost the same shade as the blanket.
The alpha rubbed the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He mumbled, looking away quickly.
"I-it's alright, you didn't mean to. And thank you, but my friend should be back any minute." Rin replies, trying to be as polite to the alpha as possible. He recognised him from somewhere..
"Rin, I'm back- Amaimon? What are you doing here?" Mephisto immediately put himself between the two, and Rin's mouth fell open.
Amaimon, the demon who he'd fought... how could he have been attracted to him?
"Wait, that's Rin? I swear he was taller.. and not an omega?" Amaimon leaned past Mephisto with narrowed eyes, and Mephisto pushed him back with a roll of his own eyes.
"Y-You're the bastard who tried to kill me!" Rin wheezed, finally shaking his attraction away.
A few heads turned towards them, and Amaimons eye twitched in irritation.
"That was before you were an omega. Idiot." He hissed, glaring at Mephisto rather than Rin.
"Whatever brother, I think you should leave Rin and I alone."

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